Player 1 |
#player1 Jeremy Jeremy
#player2 Bernard_2 Bernard 2
>Jeremy: AEEINRT 8G RETINAE +66 66
#note I had to laugh and shake my head at my dumb luck at this draw. Bernard smiled, "nice find." affirming my play. Just for the hell of this I ran 7850 iterations on the sim over lunch. This is tied for top valuation, but 8D ARENITE and 8C RETINAE are .06% and .04% higher on win%.
>Bernard_2: FW M7 F.W +17 17
>Jeremy: ABGLOTU J6 BA.LOUT +17 83
#note -5.7 K6 GU(N)BOAT. 7G ABUT is pretty good too. Shoot. I looked for -BOAT words and only saw TUGBOAT.
>Bernard_2: ADEISST 12D DISTAS.E +70 87
>Jeremy: ?AEGGNX 11D AXE +43 126
#note -12.5 11D EX. AGGN? is the preferred leave over EGGN? or GGN? for 4 more points. Also AXE opens a hotspot.
>Bernard_2: AHP 10F HAP +30 117
>Jeremy: ?DGGNOR K11 N.G +12 138
#note -17.1 L12 DONG. Did not know (DISTASTE)D. I took forever on this turn and I did really badly with it.
>Bernard_2: DIJN K4 DJIN. +32 149
>Jeremy: ?DGIORS H1 DISGORg. +83 221
#note -1.9 This plays for 5 more at 13H, but makes the board more volatile. The other playable bingo is BIRDDOGS through a D.
>Bernard_2: AEGORTV 2E RAV.GOTE +66 215
>Jeremy: DEHNNOT 1L HENT +42 263
>Bernard_2: ?IQZ 13A QuIZ +55 270
>Jeremy: DLNOOOW 3L WOOL +23 286
#note -4.1 L12 DOW setting up DOWN for later. Again, the D hook, I didn't know.
>Bernard_2: ABCER 1A BRACE +38 308
>Jeremy: DENOPST B12 D.P +10 296
#note -22.3 L12 DOPE. I was sure I was missing a bingo here but there was none. -STONE is a good fishing rack, let's fish! I was kind of hoping Bernard would kill the row 15 spot with (DUP)E for 30-ish and not have any Q play, meanwhile I'd hit a bingo and regain the lead. Again, lots of thinking, and a poor play.
>Bernard_2: CENOVY 3A CONVEY +36 344
>Jeremy: EKMNOST H12 .MOK +30 326
#note I already made some blunders, but this is really where the game was lost. I need to kill the spot. 15A KENO. -11.5
>Bernard_2: EFL 14D ELF +28 372
>Jeremy: EIMNSTU 13K .UM +12 338
#note D3 (V)UM -4.1, I didn't want to shut down that area because I went for a bingo. Great bingo rack, but no bingo plays. So many choices. I can go for an A -> A11 MAQUI or ANTIQUE, but I think Bernard will kill it; by now he's got to have UA aboard. I can fish for a bingo and still win if Bernard hits QUA. I can play (C)ENTUM right now for 33 and hope for the best, but that seems like a loss waiting to happen. I am also oh so close to that triple-triple *MANTIQUE! My play concededes the QUA play to Bernard
>Bernard_2: AU A13 .UA +40 412
#note yep, he had it.
>Jeremy: EINOSTU A3 .OUNTIES +83 421
#note bingo? or hold off, fish 2 and try to bingo out? 83 for COUNTIES might be enough. I go for it. Quack agrees. Just under 48%-ish to win. I think a Y draw, the last 4 pointer available would save my bacon, but I'd probably get an I with it.
>Bernard_2: AEIILRY D3 .ERILY +32 444
#note nice play. This or (V)IRELAY are the two ways for Bernard to win. I put this on hold until the end of the game. I should challenge, but I'm nearly 100% certain that is good. I vocalised to Bernard about wishing to know if sacrificing spread could potentially cost my a prize. Challenging the word would cost me spread if it was good. Ross, sitting in the vicinity chimed in "Sounds like collusion to me!", then backpedalling, "Then again, I'm a fan of conspiracies." Dude, I wasn't talking to you, and I have about 1:30 on my clock! Grrr. Bernard didn't say anything. I decided not to challenge, and came up with a more creative play.
>Jeremy: EIR L12 R.E +26 447
#note Knowing Bernard wouldn't challenge, I played this and made a grab for the high loss prize. It paid off. $15.
>Bernard_2: AI B6 AI +10 454
>Bernard_2: (I) +2 456