Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah_Walton Noah Walton
#player2 Carl_Johnson Carl Johnson
>Noah_Walton: BGIOTUY 8H GOUTY +26 26
>Carl_Johnson: EILNQTX J7 Q.IN +15 15
>Noah_Walton: ?BEFIIY K4 BEFI. +31 57
>Carl_Johnson: EEILRTX 9I X. +34 49
>Noah_Walton: ?CIISYZ L1 SIZY +48 105
>Carl_Johnson: EEILLRT 3L .ILL +26 75
>Noah_Walton: ?CDHIIN H1 DItCHIN. +101 206
>Carl_Johnson: AEEJORT O1 JO.E +36 111
>Noah_Walton: CHKLNOO 2F HO.CK +32 238
>Carl_Johnson: AAEIRRT J4 AR +12 123
>Noah_Walton: DELNORU 1A RUNDLE +32 270
>Carl_Johnson: AEIMORT 11I ATOM +26 149
>Noah_Walton: ?ANOSTT 12D OcTANTS +81 351
>Carl_Johnson: EEIPRRW D1 .REW +16 165
>Noah_Walton: AAEGNNT C3 NAG +17 368
>Carl_Johnson: AEIPRSU 12L U +8 173
>Noah_Walton: AEELNOT G5 OLEA +25 393
>Carl_Johnson: AEIIPRS E8 PIRA.IES +68 241
>Noah_Walton: AEFNRTW 15A FAWN. +36 429
>Carl_Johnson: ABDEEIM N2 B.AMED +36 277
>Noah_Walton: AEEORRT O6 ROE +14 443
>Carl_Johnson: EEIPSTU D8 UP +14 291
>Noah_Walton: ADEERTV B5 AVERTED +74 517
>Carl_Johnson: EEGIOST 8B .O.. +6 297
>Noah_Walton: V - +0 517
>Carl_Johnson: EEGIST 9B .I.. +10 307
>Noah_Walton: V - +0 517
>Carl_Johnson: EEGST 8A G.... +24 331
>Noah_Walton: V - +0 517
>Carl_Johnson: EEST 9I ..S +21 352
>Noah_Walton: V - +0 517
>Carl_Johnson: EET 14A ET +13 365
>Noah_Walton: V - +0 517
>Carl_Johnson: E 4C ..E +6 371
>Carl_Johnson: (V) +8 379
Player 2
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