Player 1 |
#player1 Kate_Fukawa-Connelly Kate Fukawa-Connelly
#player2 Jason Jason
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: AEEELUU -AEELUU +0 0
>Jason: BFGIOOR 8D FORGO +26 26
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: EEIOTUV I6 OUTVIE +24 24
>Jason: BIKLRXY J2 KYLIX +70 96
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: CEEELNP H1 PENCEL +49 73
>Jason: BINNNOR 11D BONNI.R +18 114
#note Sadly, I couldn't remember the five in BINOR. While it may sim a little behind, I prefer this to ROBIN anyway. Every tile turned over helps with ??SSSS out and your opponent having just drawn six.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: AEEFHMV 12A FAVE +36 109
>Jason: EIINRST B6 INERTI.S +62 176
#note Kate marveled at my ability to have this rack after playing off six. ;)
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: DDEHMNS H10 H.DDEN +44 153
#note Kate: "almost played midden in case he might challenge." Highly unlikely, esp. if I'd noticed MINDED was only three less. This board configuration is not one where you would play a phony ... too many hot spots to risk scoring zero.
>Jason: CDIJTTU A4 JUT +20 196
#note Tunnel vision, wanting to block this spot. Missed (F)UJI.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: HILMMOS B2 MHO +25 178
#note i liked mohelims*/mohelism* but not enough to think i'd get away with them.
>Jason: CDEIORT E2 COEDIT.R +72 268
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: AEILMPS 15D IMPA.ELS +63 241
>Jason: AADEIUW A8 WAE +37 305
#note In hindsight, maybe it isn't so urgent to block here. The same tiles score 35 at C3, and AWA unburdens myself of the plentiful A's and keeps the scarce E.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ?AARRUW C3 AWA +35 276
>Jason: ADEINSU A12 .ADE +26 331
#note I really didn't want to give up an E, but I liked the U at this point with the Q out and UN- bingos possible. Preferred it to FEUD with three A's out. Maybe FAUN instead? I kind of didn't like the D with the only bingo line being through a D.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ??LRRTU 3J .URT +14 290
#note i didn't see the bingo... lots of As, opening the top of the board, i figure i'll hit something next turn.
>Jason: IINOSTU M3 .UITIONS +60 391
#note As Chuck would say: "Proven right" on the FADE play. :)
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ??BGLOR 8L G.BO +27 317
#note Not sure why CP likes GO or BO at L8 (65-70%) ... seems to me that the 70% of the time I have the Z, ZA at A1 can outrun the out bingo.
>Jason: AEEQSYZ N2 ZAS +34 425
#note Wasn't sure what Kate had through the O besides LARGAnd(O). Saw that ZA at A1 tied and nearly took the tie. I saw (O)YEZES but wasn't sure, and when I (finally) saw the -A hook to YURT, I figured this was my play.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ??AAGLR O8 .RGAsmAL +71 388
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ??AAGLR -- -71 317
#note Kate's annos. are way better than mine because you get stuff like this: "so i saw one of the bingos here, but i really wanted to put something in the triple column. i was a big fan of this as a word. also, this is the last play of the last game - i'm tired of making decisions and i'm losing anyway. maybe i can go out on a really cool word."
>Jason: EEQY D14 Q. +11 436
#note Better to play EYE at 12J and block the bingos through the D.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: ??AAGLR 13E LAn.GRAb +60 377
#note Kind of felt guilty about winning this one ... If you'd told me only one of Frank, Bowman and me could win the last game, I'd put myself third on the list. Bowman first, and Frank second (only because he could've lost and still won Div. A if the spread was close enough). But, overall, 7-8 = a very successful BAT Premier. Hopefully one year I'll make it back.
>Kate_Fukawa-Connelly: (EEY) +12 389 |