Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Ian_Weinstein Ian Weinstein
#player2 Jason Jason
>Ian_Weinstein: ADPRU 8D PURDA +22 22
>Jason: AABIJNW F8 .AJ +26 26
#note Whiffed on JA(R)INA.
>Ian_Weinstein: AEGNV 11C VEGAN +29 51
>Jason: ABIKNQW 9C QI +25 51
>Ian_Weinstein: NOTU 10F .UNTO +16 67
>Jason: ABDKNWW 11J DAWK +27 78
>Ian_Weinstein: AEX 12J AXE +43 110
>Jason: ?BENTUW -BUW +0 78
#note Quackle's suggestion of 13L plays (NUB is CP's preference) seem to me like they're too needlessly risky without a guarantee of hitting next turn.
>Ian_Weinstein: ACILV 9J CLAVI +21 131
#note Pretty pedestrian start, but here's where it starts getting fun.
>Jason: ?EEFNOT 7G OFTENEr +70 148
>Ian_Weinstein: FLOO M11 .LOOF +35 166
>Jason: AEGMORS 6J MO +22 170
>Ian_Weinstein: ABGNOTU 6A GUNBOAT +68 234
>Jason: AACEGRS A4 CA.ER +33 203
>Ian_Weinstein: DIY 5K YID +26 260
>Jason: AEGOSTW 13D TOWAGES +71 274
>Ian_Weinstein: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 260
>Jason: EHLMRTZ 4L HELM +37 311
#note In hindsight, I should've played FEZ. Even so, CP says I'm 73% to win, about to go up 51, almost guaranteed to get 45 from the Z next turn, and he's exchanged six (which comes with no guarantees). Loving life.
>Ian_Weinstein: ?BEHILY O1 cHI.BLEY +203 463
#note And the beginning of the end of my short stay in contention. This game certainly humbles you, and one reason I never get ahead of myself if that it seems like every time I do, something like this happens. Just before this went down, I actually thought "I have a good chance to get to 4-1!" Nope. Stay in the moment, kid.
>Jason: EINRSTZ - +0 311
#note Grob rule (if it scores 100 and you aren't 100% sure, challenge) definitely in full effect. Of course, my count somehow got way off and I had five tiles in the bag instead of 11. ZENIT(H) actually wins 9% of the time. I figured this was good (how can you make it up?), but obviously not 90% sure. Had to challenge (and potentially cost myself high loss). :)
>Ian_Weinstein: IR 15M .IR +18 481
#note Then we got a few laughs out of the fact that Ian forgot to record his pass six and therefore gave himself my 37 for HELM and gave me 203 for the triple-triple. Good stuff.
>Jason: EINRSTZ 2J ZENIT. +76 387
>Ian_Weinstein: EIR 4A .IRE +12 493
>Jason: DIIPRSS C11 .IS +36 423
>Ian_Weinstein: EENORST 14L R.TE +14 507
>Jason: DIPRSU N9 .DS +21 444
#note Three behind DRIPS at 3D.
>Ian_Weinstein: ENOS 14D ONES +19 526
#note What can you do? Hats off to Ian for an incredible find and a great game.
>Ian_Weinstein: (IPRU) +12 538
Player 2
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