Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Raghu Raghuram Jonnalagedda
#player2 Pat Pat Diener
>Raghu: ?AEIOOT -OO +0 0
>Pat: ELOOY 8H LOOEY +24 24
>Raghu: ?AEIMTU H8 .UMInATE +77 77
>Pat: AX I12 AX +35 59
>Raghu: AABEFIN G13 FAB +35 112
>Pat: ?ADEESW M8 SWEAtED +87 146
>Raghu: AAEHINT N11 HATE +28 140
>Pat: AFTW O12 WAFT +61 207
>Raghu: AEEINNU 10E NEU.E +9 149
>Pat: EMY 14F M..EY +34 241
>Raghu: AGIINVZ L4 ZING. +36 185
>Pat: DV 5K V.D +14 255
>Raghu: AGIPTTV E5 PATTI.G +40 225
>Pat: CGI F4 CIG +21 276
>Raghu: EKOORRV 8A OVER. +27 252
>Pat: LLU 4F .ULL +7 283
>Raghu: IKNOQRS J2 QIS +39 291
>Pat: LPU H1 PUL. +18 301
>Raghu: EKNORRR 9G N.KER +34 325
>Raghu: EKNORRR -- -34 291
>Pat: OS 15F O..S +21 322
>Raghu: EKNORRR 9G N.KE +31 322
>Pat: AANT 2J .ANAT +28 350
>Raghu: JNORRRR C8 .RROR +6 328
>Pat: DE C8 .....ED +16 366
>Raghu: IIJNRRS M1 R.J +20 348
>Pat: DEHI 1K HI.ED +40 406
>Raghu: BIIINRS B13 BIN +20 368
>Pat: COO 1E COO. +8 414
>Raghu: IIRS K11 IRIS +19 387
>Raghu: (NO) +4 391
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-03-06 17:40:07 Server IP: