Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Jim Jim Burlant
#player2 Raghu Raghuram Jonnalgedda
>Jim: CNOTU 8D COUNT +20 20
>Raghu: ?AEILPS H8 .ALIPEdS +86 86
>Jim: AELNRUV 15A UNRAVEL. +86 106
>Raghu: AHHNRTT D8 .HANT +20 106
>Jim: DIOSSTU F2 STUDIO.S +63 169
>Raghu: EHIIRTZ 5F .ITZIER +34 140
>Jim: AFO 6H OAF +40 209
>Raghu: AAHILOS 14F HA. +28 168
>Jim: DEMO I9 MODE +26 235
>Raghu: AEIILOS E11 OI +10 178
>Jim: GIR J8 RIG +21 256
>Raghu: AEIKLNS 10C K. +6 184
>Jim: FOR 4K FOR +21 277
>Raghu: AEEILNS K9 NE +13 197
>Jim: AAQ 4D AQ.A +28 305
>Raghu: AAEILSW 11K WAE +24 221
>Jim: EGOR B10 OGRE +16 321
>Raghu: AEEILSY A7 EYES +29 250
>Jim: ?DEGIRT M8 DIG.sTER +70 391
>Raghu: ABILNOV 15K VI.AL +27 277
>Jim: CPU J12 CUP +20 411
>Raghu: BBIJNOY 2B JIBB. +32 309
>Jim: DELNTWX B4 NEXT +29 440
>Raghu: EMNOY N1 MONEY +27 336
>Raghu: (DLW) +14 350
Player 2
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