Player 1 |
#player1 Ed_Gordon Ed Gordon
#player2 Jim_Burlant Jim Burlant
>Ed_Gordon: DHOT 8G DOTH +16 16
>Jim_Burlant: AEEGRTZ J8 .AZER +37 37
#note I had initially put down GAZETTER* and pulled it up when I realized that wasn't the correct spelling of the word. Since he knew my rack, I didn't want him blocking a potential HAZE back hook. I would have otherwise played HAZE J8, the sim winner. This play sims second, at a loss of not quite 3 points. But this worked out quite nicely.
>Ed_Gordon: DXY 11I D.XY +30 46
>Jim_Burlant: EGHIRST 13H RESIGHT +92 129
#note Best.
>Ed_Gordon: AEEILSW -AEEI +0 46
>Jim_Burlant: BIKNOPW H12 B.OW +36 165
#note This is best, with H12 PROW also being worth consideration. None of the other choices come close.
>Ed_Gordon: A K10 A. +20 66
>Jim_Burlant: CIKLNPW N9 CLIP. +11 176
#note At the time he made this play, my thought process was, "4-tile exchange followed by one-vowel fish. He's getting ready to bingo. I can't find any really high scoring plays...but I CAN turn 4 tiles and take away that juicy S hook down the O column." Yeah, the leave left something to be desired, but given his relatively limited options (how likely is he to bingo from the W or to the O?), I felt I could withstand the loss of equity and subpar leave given what this did to the board. Though the duck doesn't like this play, docking me roughly 8 points, it gets the job done. It turned out that my worrying was for naught; he told me after the game that he had picked up a cruddy rack on the exchange and felt the 20 points for ZA/AX were too much to turn down.
>Ed_Gordon: FINY I5 NIF.Y +28 94
#note Incorrectly scored as 27.
>Jim_Burlant: DKLMNTW 9I ..WN +23 199
#note Quackle prefers 14F KNOT, probably for the defense as well as the extra turnover. Didn't think of YAWL, which sims second. This play gives up roughly 5 pts to KNOT.
>Ed_Gordon: AEGUV H1 VAGUE +32 126
>Jim_Burlant: BDEKLMT 2F BL.MED +19 218
#note Right idea, wrong execution. Couldn't think of BALKED 2G, the sim winner. I'm still at 85% winning chances, with BALKED simming just under 88.
>Ed_Gordon: AAPT K1 A.APT +16 142
>Jim_Burlant: IIKNORT 1J R.TION +23 241
#note Anything is as good as anything else if the sim is to be believed. F2 BOINK is the best equity play, but the sim winner, YOGIN L11, sims 2 points down on that. This choice is one of a bunch more that sim within 2-1/2 points of BOINK. At the time I had seen 3C KINO, BOINK, and this choice, and I didn't like the board with KINO. Problem with BOINK was that I could see the RIT leave resulting in a bingo that would only be a 60-point row 9 cheapie that would slot the 3x3 with both blanks still unseen. Considering all that, I figured I might as well turn the extra tile, not create anything excessively dangerous and see if I can land one of the unseen goodies.
>Ed_Gordon: ADIOU 3B AUDIO +16 158
>Jim_Burlant: CIJKNOS B2 J.CK +34 275
#note This play wins the valuation battle with no serious challengers; on a win percentage basis, the sim prefers 3J CAJON, 4A KINO, and B2 KAONIC, with this choice 4th, .1% winning chances behind the winner.
>Ed_Gordon: NU 4K .UN +10 168
>Jim_Burlant: EEINOSV D1 VI.E +24 299
#note Best. VIDEO D1 wins the valuation battle and turns the extra tile, but it'd be pretty foolish to put an O at 5D and open up a potential 2x2 with ?? unseen.
>Ed_Gordon: ??ELMNT O1 .oNMETaL +83 251
#note Best here would have been 15H WELDMENT. This is window dressing on the spread here; even with this bingo, Ed's winning chances are showing up as 6% in the sim, with WELDMENT winning at just under 10%.
>Jim_Burlant: EEELNOS L11 .O.EE +20 319
#note Best.
>Ed_Gordon: AQ 6M QA. +14 265
>Jim_Burlant: EGLNRST O13 SEG +24 343
#note Too bad he couldn't have hung an A for me. I wasn't concerned about drawing into another bingo at this point; I figured that as long as I could keep adding to my lead I'd be fine. And with all the vowels in this pool I wasn't too worried about leaving myself LNRT. Quackle wants me to build another bingo rack here and suggests a couple of fishes. Siim winners are 6G GRIN and 6H RIG, with this play giving up 10 points to those choices.
>Ed_Gordon: AEOR 9D AERO +9 274
>Jim_Burlant: FIILNRT D8 F.INT +24 367
#note Now to make sure he doesn't hit me with the miracle out bingo. His final rack turned out to be EEIORSS, and this play nullified that rack. I think we can disregard the sim here; 8A FRIT wins and 10B FIL is in second. Why would I do anything but shut lines down here?
>Ed_Gordon: EEIORSS C10 SOIREE +18 292
>Jim_Burlant: AILORU 15A LI.U +15 382
#note Urp. E8 AERO, 8A ROLF and a plethora of other choices save a few points of spread.
>Ed_Gordon: S B2 ....S +20 312
>Ed_Gordon: (AOR) +6 318