Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Dave_Leifer Dave Leifer
#player2 Ryan_Fischer Ryan Fischer
>Dave_Leifer: EENRW 8H RENEW +24 24
>Ryan_Fischer: AAIINRT J7 A.TIARIN +62 62
>Dave_Leifer: ISZ - +0 24
#note Lost challenge.
>Ryan_Fischer: BDEFGLL 13I F.LLED +28 90
#note 13I B(I)LGED 26?
>Dave_Leifer: ISZ I5 SIZ. +44 68
>Ryan_Fischer: BBGIIJW 5E JIBB. +32 122
>Dave_Leifer: HRU L10 HUR. +14 82
>Ryan_Fischer: GIIOTTW 6D WOT +21 143
>Dave_Leifer: ORUV L4 VROU. +22 104
>Ryan_Fischer: AGIILTU -AILUT +0 143
#note N9 TULA(D)I 18. Everything looks pretty ugly though, so I decided to throw everything back but IG, hoping to draw into at least RENEWING. Perhaps I shoulda kept the A, for RENEWALS, too. Bad exchange, bad play.
>Dave_Leifer: MOP 14M MOP +24 128
>Ryan_Fischer: ?EEGIOS 15E GEnOISE +80 223
#note Bad play paid off. I wasn't sure of the hook, but I figured he wouldn't challenge.
>Dave_Leifer: ANT 15N NA +22 150
#note He put down TA first.
>Ryan_Fischer: DEGILTT 14F DIT +18 241
#note Shouldn't have missed GLITTE(R), but in hindsight, it's for the best. No pesky hook.
>Dave_Leifer: ORTY 7B TROY +26 176
>Ryan_Fischer: EEGGLMT 6A ME +10 251
#note Q wants me to play M9 GEM. I've gotta block S(TROY).
>Dave_Leifer: AQ 11J .Q.A +26 202
>Ryan_Fischer: DEEGGLT N7 GLEDE +25 276
#note Played a little bit too fast. The X should've been a concern, but I'd rather not give him too many ways back in.
>Dave_Leifer: AX O8 AX +42 244
#note Yup.
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEGITY 12F GAYE. +18 294
#note If only that M were elsewhere, I'd have "the quality of being MEGA". So instead I take out one of the remaining lanes.
>Dave_Leifer: DFNOU 13B FONDU +24 268
#note Nice fit.
>Ryan_Fischer: CEIINPT 12A PINE +29 323
#note Almost didn't play this. Would have hated for him to play a -E or -E(S/R)T bingo on row 9.
>Dave_Leifer: AKS B10 KA..S +44 312
#note Ow.
>Ryan_Fischer: ACEHIIT 8A HAET +36 359
#note Pretty much puts it away. (Though he tells me he was looking for a C for CUSTO(M) which would've made it interesting.
>Dave_Leifer: EORTV 9G VER. +29 341
#note He vacillated between playing the O or not.
>Ryan_Fischer: ?ACCIIL 5K C.oCI +16 375
#note Missed A1 CILIuM 30, and H1 CLIm(B) 24. Was happy to see this, giving me a decent out in two spots.
>Dave_Leifer: NOOSTU E5 ...S +22 363
#note O1 OUTS(I)N 21
>Ryan_Fischer: AIL N2 LAI. +12 387
>Ryan_Fischer: (OONTU) +10 397
Player 2
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