Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Winter Winter
#player2 Ian_Weinstein Ian Weinstein
>Winter: DFILOTU 8D FLUID +26 26
#note Should I have phonied to get an E for OUTFIELD?
>Ian_Weinstein: GMNOO 7G MONGO +22 22
>Winter: ?EIIOOTY E2 OTIOsE.Y +70 96
#note I'll pat myself on the back for this one.
>Ian_Weinstein: AGNU D2 GUAN +21 43
>Winter: ADEHLUV 8K HALVE +41 137
>Ian_Weinstein: ABK C1 KAB +32 75
>Winter: DDEIIRU 9H DUI +10 147
#note Tough call (absent the ridiculous bingo), but I called it right.
>Ian_Weinstein: ?ERRSSU O8 .RaSURES +74 149
>Winter: DEEHIRT 15H DIETHER. +98 245
#note Okay this was lucky.
>Ian_Weinstein: AO 1A OA. +21 170
>Winter: AEEENRT N4 ENER.ATE +72 317
#note But I will credit myself for this one.
>Ian_Weinstein: AF 10J FA +26 196
>Winter: CDNNOTW 4J WONT.D +24 341
#note Dang didn't even look at 2B, focused on blocking the easy score on O.
>Ian_Weinstein: AIS O1 SAI. +15 211
>Winter: ACEIINW 11K WIN.. +26 367
#note Don't want to give up either my A or my E cheaply.
>Ian_Weinstein: ALZ J12 LAZ. +33 244
>Winter: ABCEEIP 5I CEPE +31 398
#note Shoulda seen BICEP.
>Ian_Weinstein: MT 2B M...T +28 272
>Winter: ABEIOPY M6 PO.Y +31 429
>Ian_Weinstein: IILOSTV 1H VIOLIST. +86 358
>Winter: ABEIJQX H12 QAI. +24 453
>Ian_Weinstein: CEGNRR 3I REC +19 377
>Winter: BEJX 13J .X +9 462
>Ian_Weinstein: GNR L10 G.N +15 392
>Winter: BEJ 7C JE. +23 485
>Ian_Weinstein: R 6M ..R +5 397
>Ian_Weinstein: (B) +6 403
Player 2
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