Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Laurie Laurie
#player2 Mark_Kenas Mark Kenas
>Laurie: EEEEOOS -EEEOO +0 0
>Mark_Kenas: AI 8H AI +4 4
>Laurie: EIORSTV H6 VI.TORES +62 62
>Mark_Kenas: CEI 6H .ICE +15 19
>Laurie: EGHIOUY 11H .OUGHY +26 88
>Mark_Kenas: ACINRST L1 NARCIST +80 99
>Laurie: EFIOPPT 1L .EIF +21 109
#note 3G PIEFORT or 1H PEPINO re good choices
>Mark_Kenas: AEEV 12L EAVE +31 130
>Laurie: EFLOPPT O7 PEOPL. +30 139
>Mark_Kenas: AAAELZ 13B AZALEA. +34 164
>Laurie: ?DFLNTU F7 FLaUNT.D +67 206
>Mark_Kenas: DHOR 2J HO.RD +42 206
>Laurie: EIKMOSS 1F SKIMO +38 244
#note For a minute, I thought about playing ESKIMOS, but then I thought the better of it. DIdn't see 13J MOSK
>Mark_Kenas: AY 14B YA +31 237
>Laurie: EINRSTX 15A NEXT +61 305
>Mark_Kenas: AGOOR 8A GOORA. +24 261
>Laurie: BILNRRS 13K BRR +28 333
>Mark_Kenas: DEMNOUW D4 UNWO.MED +78 339
>Mark_Kenas: DEMNOUW -- -78 261
>Laurie: AEIILNS E11 AI. +12 345
#note Darn! Missed 4H SALICINE. 14L LEI would have been better and would have stopped the ugly progression of what comes next!
>Mark_Kenas: DEMNOUW 14J WOMEN +56 317
>Laurie: EIIJLNS - +0 345
#note Ugh...perhaps emboldened by my successful challenge of UNWORMED#, I challenged the common 4 letter word - HERM. Why? Temporary brain malfunction, I suppose.
>Mark_Kenas: DEGNUUW 15G UNWED +38 355
>Laurie: EIIJLNS B6 JE.N +27 372
#note Quackle likes C7 JO or JOE. My play, although scoring the most, was pretty horrible. I was panicking, thinking that I had to score to have a chance.
>Mark_Kenas: ?BDGTTU 5K B.TT +20 375
>Laurie: EIILQS 3H QIS +19 391
#note Ah, the Q. Now my goose is cooked.
>Mark_Kenas: ?DGU 4F GUiD +18 393
#note Oy! If I had played QIS O3 for one more point, this play wouldn't have been possible. Of course, he could still win with C7 DOUGH
>Mark_Kenas: (EIL) +6 399
Player 2
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