Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Brian Brian
#player2 Joey Joey
>Brian: IIIOOU -IIIOOU +0 0
>Joey: EOQRTUV 8D QUOTE +48 48
>Brian: BEIT 9C BITE +24 24
>Joey: ACGRSTV I7 CRAG +26 74
>Brian: DEEI C9 .EEDI +16 40
>Joey: DINSTVV 13B V.VID +12 86
>Brian: EEOY 10G YO.EE +11 51
>Joey: AELNOST L4 ETALONS +76 162
>Brian: KRZ 11B Z.RK +34 85
>Joey: ABDEFMU K4 FUMED +40 202
>Brian: AEMNT H10 .MENTA +27 112
>Joey: ?ABGORR 12G B.GORRAh +70 272
>Brian: EIW 8K ..WIE +27 139
>Joey: AAHIJLW M2 JAW +35 307
>Brian: AILNPRU 15A PLANURI. +83 222
>Brian: AILNPRU -- -83 139
>Joey: AAHILNT O4 ANTH.LIA +62 369
>Brian: AILNPRU 2M .UN +20 159
>Joey: DFHINPR 13M HIP +27 396
>Brian: AILPR 14L LIP +24 183
>Joey: DEFNNRX J9 X.N.N +21 417
>Brian: AILORSU 6C OURALIS +67 250
>Brian: AILORSU -- -67 183
>Joey: DEEFIOR D11 .O.ED +28 445
>Brian: AILORSU 15A LOU. +15 198
>Joey: AEFGIRY 7F FA +15 460
>Brian: ACIRS G6 C.. +5 203
>Joey: EGIORSY 5C YOGIS +24 484
>Brian: ?AIRSST 15F TS.RInAS +68 271
>Brian: (EOR) +6 277
Player 2
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