Game Details
Player 1
#player1 reeves reeves
#player2 moh moh
>reeves: DIY 8G YID +14 14
>moh: AEORVWY 9D WOVE +17 17
>reeves: AEIMNOP I8 .OPAMINE +65 79
>moh: AAEHRUY H13 HAY +49 66
>reeves: DGILS 7D GILDS +20 99
>moh: AAEERSU J10 EAU +17 83
>reeves: DEEILS K6 ELIDES +25 124
>moh: AEJORRS 6J J.ER +27 110
>reeves: BCCIO L1 BOCCI. +30 154
>moh: AAFOORS G12 OAF +20 130
>reeves: ?AAHLRS N3 mARSHAL +75 229
>moh: AKOORST 1L .OOK +30 160
>reeves: DEL 8K .DE.L +24 253
>moh: ABEERST D4 BER. +14 174
#note I felt like I had to try to set up some kind of lane.
>reeves: EVX E3 VEX +48 301
>moh: AEGNSTZ 4D ..GAT +9 183
#note The board is just getting more closed for bingos. But there's a glimmer of hope. If I can manage to draw an I, (FAN)ZINES 14G would get me back into the game. So my job is to find the best play that keeps ENZS together, at least that's the way I decided to proceed.
>reeves: MTTU 3G MUTT +19 320
>moh: AEENOSZ 3L .O.A +10 193
#note I suppose to should have tried a two-pronged strategy of opening another bingo lane plus keeping the I-draw alive.
>reeves: IP O8 .IP +7 327
>moh: AEENRSZ 15H ..A +6 199
#note I love this play. Granted, it never paid off, but this setup gives me a legitimate chance of getting back into this game. For those just tuning in, I've hung my future on drawing an I for (FAN)ZINES, so why not sweeten the pot for when it does hit. (YE)A wins the sim.
>reeves: RW 4L .R.W +24 351
>moh: EENORSZ D9 .ORE +14 213
#note Still no I or blank for the biggie. Hope is dwindling.
>reeves: ?INNQTU 11D .IN +6 357
>moh: EFGNSUZ C12 FUG +19 232
#note And now my opponent starting playing off Is. It looks like no payoff for me.
>reeves: ?INNQTU J1 TI. +5 362
>moh: ENRSTUZ 1H RU. +9 241
#note I can't win at this point, but please let me draw an I as I empty the bag!
>reeves: ?INNNQT 11M QIs +16 378
>moh: ENNSTZ 15A ZEST +50 291
#note No FANZINES for me, but it was fun chasing it.
>reeves: ENNT F9 .E.T +11 389
>moh: NN N11 .NN +3 294
>moh: (NN) +4 298
Player 2
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