Player 1 |
#player1 Jason Jason
#player2 Jeff_Clark Jeff Clark
>Jason: IIIJLPT 8G PILI +12 12
#note Duck gives a clear edge (5-6 pts.) to JILT. I'm a little surprised. Since annotating him at Causeway, I've taken to being more willing to wait with JQXZ, a la Nigel.
>Jeff_Clark: AAINV 9D AVIAN +16 16
>Jason: AIJNOST 8A JOIN +39 51
#note JOTA's leave is less likely to duplicate ... take your pick.
>Jeff_Clark: AIO A8 .IAO +11 27
>Jason: ?AKNSTU 11A .UTrANKS +72 123
#note Maybe a little fancy ... liked the board configuration after this better than UNSTAcK/PILIS. If I'd known TANUKiS, I'd have played that.
>Jeff_Clark: EMOQSU K6 MOSQUE +41 68
>Jason: DEIRRTY L2 DIRTY +25 148
#note Y(U)RT, Duck? By eight points? Way too gutsy for my taste. Although I guess I kind of see it.
>Jeff_Clark: ?ABEERW 12I BEsWEAR +91 159
#note Phony. BEWA(I)lER for 76 is his best real one.
>Jason: DEIORTV N8 DEVI.TOR +90 238
#note But given my rack, you can see why I let it go without a hold.
>Jeff_Clark: ANNOSTW O4 WANTON +50 209
#note Jeff put down WO(R)T in the bottom row, then reached for more tiles and my heart dropped. Even put down the AN and I thought DANEWORT or SANDWORT was coming down. "Don't do that again," I joked after he played this.
>Jason: ADHMORR B10 H.MOR +49 287
#note "Not funny," Jeff joked.
>Jeff_Clark: ABELSZ 15I BLAZE.S +84 293
#note *That's* not funny.
>Jason: ADEENOR A13 DOE +17 304
#note Missed A(T)ONED, C10. This isn't terrible, though. Although at this point, 17 felt like an exchange.
>Jeff_Clark: EFGIT 2J FI.GET +38 331
#note Jeff, slow down!
>Jason: AEELNRT 13D TELERAN +66 370
#note My first thought? "Hey, he gave me a spot to play ALTERNE#!" Damn Collins...
>Jeff_Clark: CEEHOSY 1G ECHO +32 363
#note Jeff asked me in the post-mortem what I thought about this play and I thought it was fine. But CP (which I ran three times) says there's a clear favorite: SYCEE, 1F, which does a great job of setting up the H. YE at 1N is also preferred, although it's hard to leave that spot open.
>Jason: DFGIPRU M7 FUG +23 393
#note CP likes F(EN). I can't ever see me (or anybody) playing that over the board. This certainly ended up working out ... the main negative of emptying the bag on the number is offset by 1) guaranteeing to draw the S or X if it's in there and 2) how much it scores. Would've played UPGIRD at 2B if I'd known/seen it; it's up there with FUG.
>Jeff_Clark: ACELSUY 12B .AUL +21 384
#note Stunningly, Jeff has a winning out-in-two sequence: AYE and CULLS/AVIANS.
>Jason: DEGIPRX B5 EXP. +29 422
#note GRIPED is eight spread points better. X(U) is three better. I was afraid Jeff had some sneaky out I didn't see and just wanted a play that I knew would outrun it.
>Jeff_Clark: CESY 1N YE +26 410
>Jason: DGIR C2 GRID +15 437
>Jason: (CS) +8 445