Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Kenji Kenji
#player2 Joey Joey
>Kenji: IIII -IIII +0 0
>Joey: ADDITWW 8G WAW +18 18
>Kenji: ALNU J7 ULAN +16 16
>Joey: ADDILQT K5 QAT +26 44
>Kenji: AE I8 .AE +12 28
>Joey: ADDILNU L2 UNDID +28 72
>Kenji: III -III +0 28
>Joey: ADHIILM 2J HA.LM +36 108
#note MILADI H10 is best. Didn't know that one.
>Kenji: EIIPSST G8 .ISPIEST +65 93
>Joey: ADDGIIV 1F VIGIA +32 140
>Kenji: BBJ 12F J.BB +18 111
>Joey: ADEGMRY 15D MAR.ED +36 176
#note The reason I played this instead of something like GYRATED was to save the Y for HAULMY. I could have used that spot now, but I preferred to take out the easy hotspot instead.
>Kenji: EPRZ 14B PREZ +45 156
>Joey: ACEGIOY 13I YOGIC +41 217
>Kenji: ?EGHINT L8 HEIsT.NG +84 240
>Joey: AEFINOT 14J FO. +30 247
>Kenji: AIO 3L .AOI +16 256
>Joey: ?AEINTT O3 .NITiATE +74 321
>Kenji: ORU N10 OUR +9 265
>Joey: EEKORSV C8 REVOKE.S +92 413
>Kenji: DEX M7 DEX +43 308
>Joey: CENORSU 8A CU.N +21 434
>Kenji: EELNRTY A6 RE.ENTLY +64 372
>Joey: EFLOORS 6A .EFLOORS +65 499
>Joey: EFLOORS -- -65 434
>Kenji: O F12 .O +11 383
>Kenji: (EFLOORS) +20 403
Player 2
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