Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Stefan_Fatsis Stefan Fatsis
>Dustin_Dean: ?BEEENV 8G NEVE +14 14
#note 8F EVE
>Stefan_Fatsis: AEIOOQZ J6 ZO.A +33 33
>Dustin_Dean: ?BEGIST 10F BIGgEST +83 97
#note 10F BIgGEST 83
>Stefan_Fatsis: IQ 11E QI +26 59
>Dustin_Dean: ACF K5 CAF +32 129
>Stefan_Fatsis: DOTY L8 DO.TY +22 81
>Dustin_Dean: IJN 12D JIN +36 165
>Stefan_Fatsis: EIL 8L .IEL +15 96
>Dustin_Dean: ?ADEEPR C7 PREbADE +88 253
#note C7 PREfADE > PREmADE > PREbADE > PERvADE. Other options include O8 (L)APpERED 83 and H1 DEPARtE(E) 83.
>Stefan_Fatsis: EEIKRST 13E STRIKE +34 130
>Dustin_Dean: AFGILNX 14J XI +50 303
#note 14H FAXING 69 ???
>Stefan_Fatsis: DEG H12 G.ED +24 154
>Dustin_Dean: AFGLNRR N3 FLANG.R +13 316
#note 8A GR(R)RL 21. K13 R(I)F 17.
>Stefan_Fatsis: APW 8A WA.P +36 190
>Dustin_Dean: CLNRSUU E2 UNCURLS +78 394
>Stefan_Fatsis: EEILORS 3A ELOI.ERS +68 258
#note The only other bingo is A7 O(W)LERIES 62.
>Dustin_Dean: ATVY H1 VA.TY +36 430
>Stefan_Fatsis: HT F1 TH. +27 285
>Dustin_Dean: DIMOU 15K DUOMI +30 460
>Stefan_Fatsis: HNO 14M NOH +27 312
>Dustin_Dean: AAIMORU A1 UR.MIA +33 493
#note best
>Stefan_Fatsis: BEENOTW M1 TWEEN +30 342
>Dustin_Dean: AAOO L1 AA +11 504
#note L1 AA allows him to go out with B6 BO(A) for 25. Best play 7C (P)O(L)O blocks B6 BO(A), after which his best out is 9A OB(E) for 14.
>Stefan_Fatsis: BO B6 BO. +25 367
>Stefan_Fatsis: (OO) +4 371
Player 2
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