Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 RyanFischer Ryan Fischer
#player2 JasonMayfield Jason Mayfield
>RyanFischer: ?DEFGIX 8D FIXED +40 40
>JasonMayfield: AZ F6 ZA. +39 39
>RyanFischer: ?AEGLMT G2 MELTAG.s +79 119
>JasonMayfield: DEIKLNR 3F R.KINDLE +78 117
>RyanFischer: ABMSTUU 8A SUB..... +63 182
#note Bogus. It's a noun. Only PRE(FIXED) and SUF(FIXED).
>JasonMayfield: PRSY N3 SPRY +31 148
>RyanFischer: AACIMTU H1 MA.I +40 222
>JasonMayfield: EP H6 PE. +24 172
>RyanFischer: ACNOTUV L1 VU.N +22 244
>JasonMayfield: EIN 1L .INE +21 193
>RyanFischer: ACDIOOT O6 ODIC +26 270
#note Missed A(U)TOCOID! Aw.
>JasonMayfield: BLO 9L BLO. +9 202
>RyanFischer: AEFJOTV B6 JE. +26 296
>JasonMayfield: AW 10M AW +28 230
>RyanFischer: AFOTTTV 11K VAT +15 311
>JasonMayfield: EEGN 12L GENE +22 252
>RyanFischer: FOOTTUY K3 .UTY +18 329
>JasonMayfield: DER 13M RED +23 275
>RyanFischer: FOOOTUW -FOOOTUW +0 329
>JasonMayfield: AQ 5I QA. +12 287
>RyanFischer: ?AHIORR C6 OR. +18 347
>JasonMayfield: ACR O11 C..AR +24 311
>RyanFischer: ?AHHIRW D4 HAW +31 378
>JasonMayfield: AEINSST A8 .ESTINAS +77 388
>RyanFischer: ?HIOORT E4 OH +25 403
#note (T)OOTHIeR
>JasonMayfield: EFN B12 FEN +23 411
>RyanFischer: ?GIOORT C13 GIT +19 422
>JasonMayfield: EIILOOT 15C .OILET +21 432
>RyanFischer: ?OORU D8 .OURs +14 436
#note My wins are OUtRO and kOURI(I). Should have seen OUtRO. Hard under time pressure though. Two missed bingos tells the story. Whoops.
>JasonMayfield: IO L6 OI +7 439
>JasonMayfield: (O) +2 441
Player 2
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