Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kevin Kevin
#player2 Ben Ben
>Kevin: IIIII -IIIII +0 0
>Ben: AKRTVWZ 8G VAW +18 18
>Kevin: EILNPRT H6 TR.PLINE +61 61
>Ben: AFKRTXZ I11 FAX +45 63
>Kevin: AIW G13 WAI +27 88
>Ben: BKRTTTZ 15E BR.TT +21 84
#note sims even with ritz
>Kevin: ?AEEHIT 5C ATHEIsE +78 166
>Ben: AKOORTZ 4I ZOOT +37 121
>Kevin: DEOT 6F DO.E +30 196
>Ben: AAKLMNR 3G KAM +35 156
>Kevin: ADEINRT K4 .RDINATE +86 282
>Ben: AAILNRU C2 AUL.RIAN +70 226
>Kevin: DJUY M1 JUDY +47 329
>Ben: EFGHISV 8A SH.VE +45 271
>Kevin: BI 1M .IB +36 365
>Ben: ?AFGIPU 4C .AUF +30 301
>Kevin: DEEGLRS A1 SLEDGER. +86 451
>Ben: ?GINPQY 8K .YING +39 340
>Kevin: ENOS 12K SONE +18 469
>Ben: ?EGIPQR 7M QI +44 384
#note piquing wins like 2% of the time. This wins 0%. Played too quickly I guess.
>Kevin: MO B8 .OM +16 485
>Ben: ?EEGLPR D1 PE +9 393
#note just play for spread dude.
>Kevin: CEINOSU 1D .OUNCE +30 515
>Ben: ?CEGLOR D7 O.ERCLoG +81 474
>Ben: ?CEGLOR -- -81 393
#note lol
>Kevin: IOS 13L IOS +14 529
>Kevin: (CLOGER?) +18 547
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-30 15:42:10 Server IP: