Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Ben Ben
#player2 Brad Brad
>Ben: CGHIILS 8D CHILI +26 26
>Brad: ?DEIOOW I2 WOODIEs +72 72
>Ben: BEGINST E3 BENIG.TS +78 104
>Brad: DELOW H1 DOWLE +46 118
>Brad: AORTU (challenge) +5 123
>Ben: DEIKMNN F2 MINED +33 137
#note sims about even with minke and I kind of prefer this board.
>Brad: AORTU D8 .UATRO +20 143
>Ben: CKNRSTY 13C C.RKY +36 173
#note CONKY
>Brad: UY 14F YU +35 178
>Ben: EINNRST 9G INTERNS +77 250
>Brad: MNU 15G MUN +23 201
>Ben: ?EEIOQZ J14 QI +37 287
>Brad: AAENTV K5 TAVE.NA +40 241
>Ben: ?AEEIOZ D4 ZEA +55 342
>Brad: GRR C5 GRR +15 256
>Ben: ?AAEFIO 8M OAF +20 362
>Brad: ABDL B6 BALD +29 285
>Ben: ?AEEEIP A7 PEE +29 391
>Brad: AOPRSST 12I PASTORS +81 366
>Ben: ?AAEILT O4 kALI.ATE. +61 452
>Brad: OVX L4 VOX +37 403
>Ben: EGIJU M11 G.JI +24 476
>Brad: EFHO 14A FOH +25 428
>Ben: EU G8 ..EU +4 480
>Ben: (E) +2 482
Player 2
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