Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Rasheed Rasheed
#player2 Ben Ben
>Rasheed: UU -UU +0 0
>Ben: AGINOQT 8G QI +22 22
#note I spent a while deciding between QI and exchange Q and completely overlooked QAT!!!
>Rasheed: ADEINSW I4 DEWANIS +75 75
>Ben: AGLNOTZ H1 GAZON +54 76
>Rasheed: EGINRSU J9 SIGNEUR +68 143
#note ooh gunneries!
>Ben: AFLMSTY 15H MA.LY +42 118
#note MARTYR
>Rasheed: HOP J5 POH +27 170
>Ben: ?BDEFST 2F Fl.TBEDS +77 195
>Rasheed: EIPSTTU 12H PU.TIEST +78 248
>Rasheed: EIPSTTU -- -78 170
>Ben: AEHLLNV L9 VENALL. +26 221
#note Or V(E)NAL
>Rasheed: EIPSTTU M2 .PUT +12 182
#note Ugh I knew this wasn't a word but didn't process the idea of him phoneying twice in a row!
>Ben: EGHORTY 3B GOTHY +32 253
#note I think I considered DOGEY here, which looks a bit better.
>Rasheed: ?AEIMST E3 .EMATInS +74 256
>Ben: DEJKORR 6B ROJ.K +28 281
#note TROKED is a big miss.
>Rasheed: ACRU 8A CAUR. +24 280
>Ben: BDEINRV 13I V.I.ED +28 309
#note VIB(E)
>Rasheed: FOOR N10 FOR.O +34 314
>Ben: BEEIINR O8 BIEN +25 334
#note nah bi(t)e is the clear play here.
>Rasheed: ATW 2A TAW +23 337
>Ben: ACEEIOR 4B OE +12 346
#note ECO 1A!!! OWO blindness! I was really worried about a giant X play here. Not the worst idea in the world but I should probably just play E(U)OI failing ECO.
>Rasheed: DEEINTU 14B DETINUE +74 411
>Ben: ACEEIRX 13A CAREX +46 392
>Rasheed: AILOR 12B LOR +19 430
#note ooh WOORALI!
>Ben: EI D8 .EI +6 398
>Ben: (AI) +4 402
Player 2
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