Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Becky Becky
#player2 Ben Ben
>Becky: AADNV 8D VANDA +26 26
>Ben: BILQUUX F6 LI.UX +30 30
>Becky: EGILNST I2 TINGLES +70 96
>Ben: BGLPQRU 3G QU.P +25 55
>Becky: NOPR K2 PORN +28 124
>Ben: BDFGLRZ H7 Z.RF +27 82
>Becky: ANNO E8 .NON +19 143
>Ben: BDEGLMR D10 BERG +28 110
>Becky: BHIT 13B BI.HT +22 165
>Ben: DEEKLMO J6 OK +28 138
#note Gah chickened out on KEM(B)O. Also KEMBED.Should've thought about it more. I'd have recognized the rack.
>Becky: ?ERSSUV K7 SURVEyS +85 250
>Ben: ADEEELM 13H MEA.ELED +74 212
#note The ol' yes and no! I thought there was a small chance this was good but things are pretty dire either way and if this stays on I at least have a chance. The top non-phoneys are all below 5% win. This is at 17%.
>Becky: ACEGINR O7 CRINGE. +36 286
>Ben: EFIORTY B10 FOR.Y +42 254
#note Spin the wheel make a deal! Close between this and FOR(B)YE. The tiebreaker for me was that there's a chance that Becky (or anyone else) overlooks the E hook.
>Becky: AE 15A AE +20 306
>Ben: DEEISTT H12 E.IT +21 275
#note E(QUIPO)ISED!!! The sim says i'm stupid and I should play at A8. I'm not so sure about that. I'm guessing it's because big plays for her there are too much for me to overcome.
>Becky: AIJO A7 JIAO +38 344
>Ben: ADDEHST N9 HEAD.D +41 316
>Becky: OU J2 U.O +17 361
>Ben: ?AEILST M3 ELASTIc +69 385
#note Championship player says the only better play is hELIAST.
>Becky: AAIMOTW B4 MOWA +26 387
#note Try and find Becky's galaxy brain play that ties the game!!!
>Ben: CEIOTWY A1 YOWE +38 423
#note YEOW C4
>Becky: AIT 4E TAI +14 401
#note Becky's tying play was TA B7 threatening MIAOW. Anything I do to block it gives her just enough for a tie. Absolutely nuts.
>Becky: (CIT) +10 411
Player 2
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