Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Ben Ben
#player2 Sammy Sammy
>Ben: ?DENOOO 8H ONO +6 6
#note Exchange OO wins the sim. I can buy that.
>Sammy: BMNU 9H NUMB +18 18
>Ben: ?CDEIOR L7 DIsCOER +78 84
>Sammy: IQ 7G QI +24 42
>Ben: AEEIMWW K4 WAWE +23 107
#note This rack made me question my decision to keep my tiles in random directions on my rack. WEEM, WAE and this are all close.
>Sammy: DENOT L1 NOTED +27 69
>Ben: CEGIMTU 1F MUCIGE. +36 143
>Sammy: DLORSTY 14F DRYLOTS +77 146
>Ben: BGPSTTU H12 BU.S +36 179
#note I seriously considered T(Y)G but not G(Y)P which is the clear play here #strategysaddest.
>Sammy: ADEITV 15A DATIVE +36 182
>Ben: EGHNPTT M6 PHT +25 204
>Sammy: FGI 14B FIG +29 211
>Ben: EEEGNPT M2 PEE +24 228
>Sammy: KO K11 KO +26 237
>Ben: AEGINTX N2 AX +38 266
#note Sammy's probably got a strong rack here but there's only 1 T left unseen. I think I have to play this.
>Sammy: ?AELNRT O3 TANgLER +82 319
>Ben: EGINTVZ 1N ZE +52 318
>Sammy: AFH J3 FAH +23 342
>Ben: AGINNTV 2E VAN +16 334
>Sammy: AI N5 AI +12 354
>Ben: EGILNOT 12C INGLO.E +20 354
#note Sims best. I think it also improves given that Sammy generally doesn't have the J after AI and it's not trivial for him to bingo.
>Sammy: AO 10K O.A +15 369
>Ben: EEJRRTY E2 .ERRY +22 376
#note No championship player, RE(G) does not win 100% of the time. It says that this wins 3/8 and VERY or VERREY win 4/8 but I haven't run through the scenarios. I ran out of time here and just played something that I saw had some legs.
>Sammy: AIILRSS N10 SAILS +22 391
#note Oh man, SIL(E)SIA wins by 1! Sammy also ran out of time here. Tough game.
>Ben: EJTU 11A JUTE +15 391
>Ben: (IR) +4 395
Player 2
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