Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Eric_Harshbarger Eric Harshbarger
>Dustin_Dean: DEHIIMX H4 MIXED +36 36
#note Best. Scored as 34.
>Eric_Harshbarger: AV 6F VA. +21 21
>Dustin_Dean: EHIJORT G3 JO +21 57
#note best
>Eric_Harshbarger: ITT 5G T.TI +15 36
>Dustin_Dean: AEHIRTU 4J HUT +17 74
#note I7 HAUT 24
>Eric_Harshbarger: ABD 6J DAB +21 57
>Dustin_Dean: AEEIQRU 8D EQUI. +16 90
#note 8G A(D) 3 is best, followed by L1 QUI(T) 23, then J4 (HID)E 8.
>Eric_Harshbarger: GLO L6 .LOG +8 65
>Dustin_Dean: AAERUVW E8 .UAVER +36 126
#note 8J AV(O)WER for 36, keeping AU, is another option.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ILR 11E .IRL +7 72
>Dustin_Dean: ADGORSW 10D W.G +18 144
#note 14A GOWDS 39 and 12A WODG(E) 28 are the top options.
>Eric_Harshbarger: EIINORS 14A IONISER +87 159
>Dustin_Dean: ?ADKORS D1 DARKSOm. +78 222
#note only bingo
>Eric_Harshbarger: ATW D12 WA.T +28 187
#note Scored as 26.
>Dustin_Dean: EHILPSU 10I PLUSHIE +74 296
#note On February 29, 2024, the NWL2023 update took effect, making PLUSHIE a valid word. This game was played on March 9, 2024. I had spent some time learning the new words, so this felt extra satisfying.
>Eric_Harshbarger: CEE 3B CE.E +12 199
>Dustin_Dean: AFIMNTY 1D .AMNIFY +48 344
#note best
>Eric_Harshbarger: ?EFINOP 2C F. +10 209
>Dustin_Dean: AEEGOTZ O6 ZOEA. +42 386
#note O8 ZO(E)AE 45, O8 ZO(E)A 39, and O8 GE(E)Z 42 are other options.
>Eric_Harshbarger: ?EINOPT 15F rEPOINT +80 289
>Dustin_Dean: DEEGT 15A DE +20 406
>Eric_Harshbarger: BNN 8K B.NN. +7 296
>Dustin_Dean: CEGOTY 5B CO.Y +18 424
>Eric_Harshbarger: AELNORS 14J LOANER +24 320
>Dustin_Dean: AEGRT C11 GAE. +22 446
#note 13L GETA 22
>Eric_Harshbarger: S 12C ...S +11 331
#note 8D (EQUID)S 16
>Eric_Harshbarger: (RT) +4 335
#note Players agreed to 444-333.