Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Richard_Popper Richard Popper
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Richard_Popper: AEKNW 8D WAKEN +32 32
>Dustin_Dean: AHMOPTU 9E MAHOUT +37 37
#note best
>Richard_Popper: EHY 7C HEY +26 58
>Dustin_Dean: ADLNPTT C6 P.AT +23 60
#note B3 PLANT 19
>Richard_Popper: EX B9 EX +27 85
>Dustin_Dean: ADELLNT A6 TALLED +33 93
>Dustin_Dean: ADELLNT -- -33 60
#note A8 ELAND 36
>Richard_Popper: FI A8 IF +21 106
>Dustin_Dean: ADELLNT B9 ..ALTED +30 90
#note best
>Richard_Popper: ?BEISTU K7 BUSIEsT +78 184
#note 15B (D)aUBIEST 83
>Dustin_Dean: ABEELNR 12D ENABLER. +70 160
#note 13H REN(T)ABLE 72 is best. Scored as 68.
>Richard_Popper: CNOW H11 C.OWN +30 214
>Dustin_Dean: AEIU 15A A.IEU +21 181
>Richard_Popper: MOR 7G MOR +23 237
>Dustin_Dean: AAINORV L2 OVARIAN +79 260
#note best
>Richard_Popper: OO E11 O.O +6 243
>Dustin_Dean: CFINQUY 2J QU.IN +68 328
>Richard_Popper: JR 4K R.J +10 253
>Dustin_Dean: CEFGIYZ 8K ..IFY +33 361
#note 1M GEY 26 is best, followed by J11 F(R)IZ 43, then (UN)IFY.
>Richard_Popper: EIIINST -II +0 253
#note actual tiles unknown
>Dustin_Dean: CEGOZ 5J CE.O +25 386
>Richard_Popper: ?INRSST M7 S.NISTeR +74 327
>Dustin_Dean: DGZ F12 .DZ +36 422
>Richard_Popper: DEG 1M GED +20 347
>Dustin_Dean: EGV O7 G.VE +11 433
>Richard_Popper: DIILORS 3H SRI +15 362
#note I12 (E)R for 6, then out with SOLIDI for 31.
>Dustin_Dean: AEGLPT H1 GA.P +30 463
#note best
>Richard_Popper: DILO B3 LIDO +13 375
>Richard_Popper: (ELT) +6 381
#note Players agreed to 461-381.
Player 2
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