Player 1 |
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#player1 Orry_Swift Orry Swift
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Orry_Swift: EPRVY 8H PERVY +34 34
>Jackson: FORRSTW 7F FROW +28 28
#note felt like the top placement would make the S hook more potent after overlaps
>Orry_Swift: COZ 6H COZ +47 81
>Jackson: ALMMRST 7L MM +16 44
#note I preferred MALMY here, or even TAMMY or RAMMY, but was unfortunately not positive of any of these three words. MM sims just below TAMMY/RAMMY but 6 below MALMY, which checks out. I liked the scoring defense of it but it's still not solid enough, ALRST doesnt bingo so much more than RST here, in part cause of the board. COPI plays would really hurt here.
>Orry_Swift: ??ABEHS 9C BrAsHES +84 165
>Jackson: AALRSTT K8 .AT +6 50
#note or ALT 6M, or T(A)LA for 8 to be standard. FAST is also okay. This might be a bit reckless, but I liked keeping SCOPE protected
>Orry_Swift: EEIILOV 6B VOILE +25 190
>Jackson: AELORST 11H OLESTRA +78 128
>Orry_Swift: DEFNU 12D UNFED +27 217
#note Orry overdrew by 2 here and I turned over DEFN - I threw back ED, but I think I should actually give him EF or EN here. EN might be the call just because it has the highest potential for him to have a bad scoring rack, whereas the F wlil always guarantee him 25-30 points. EN looks like the call here.
>Jackson: DILNOQT N10 Q.DI +34 162
#note more aggression again...
>Orry_Swift: UX M13 XU +36 253
>Jackson: AILNORT L4 ANO.. +20 182
#note ANOMy over LOAMY to make K3 plays harder to make to block things off.
>Orry_Swift: ADIW O7 WADI +35 288
>Jackson: AILOORT J2 TROO. +16 198
#note hated everything. this at least makes a better lane on the 3 row
>Orry_Swift: DEEKN 13C KNEED +38 326
>Jackson: AEIILNY B5 I.Y +9 207
>Orry_Swift: AEGGGOR A7 AGGRO +26 352
>Jackson: ABEIILN 3C BILINEA. +74 281
>Orry_Swift: EJP H1 JE.P +48 400
>Jackson: AANRSTT 14K TA.S +38 319
#note dead
>Orry_Swift: CEHTU 15G CHUTE +32 432
>Jackson: AEILNRT 2B RATEL +26 345
>Orry_Swift: EGIINSU 5A S.NGE +21 453
>Jackson: IN C13 .IN +7 352
>Jackson: (IIU) +6 358