Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Carl_Johnson Carl Johnson
>Jackson: DIOOTUX H7 DOUX +24 24
>Carl_Johnson: EGINNPY I9 PINNY +33 33
>Jackson: AEIORTW H13 OWE +23 47
#note OW sims a couple points better. More than his avg. score being affected, my bingo % and average score is way higher - the N stays open more often vs. AIRT not being very good, especially since after a very likely G13 play, I only have the D or marginal 7s lanes to work with.
>Carl_Johnson: EEGIOPS G12 EGO +20 53
>Jackson: AAEIRTU 15H .AU +3 50
#note seems good despite looking weird and basically showing my hand
>Carl_Johnson: AEIPSSV 11A PAVISES +79 132
>Jackson: ADEIORT A11 .ODIA +27 77
>Carl_Johnson: BEGJOST F14 JO +54 186
>Jackson: ?EEIQRT E4 REQuITE. +82 159
>Carl_Johnson: ABEEGST D1 BEGAT +28 214
>Jackson: AMNRTUV 1A NUM.AT +30 189
#note could do VUM F2 or C4 here, the latter to keep the board a bit more open for ANRT to hit. But I missed MANITU D8 here, which looks clearly best. Definitely better than NUMBAT
>Carl_Johnson: ABEFNRS 8A BARF. +42 256
>Jackson: DEEHRUV 2B HU.D +33 222
#note looks close between HARED and HUE and this. I wasnt 100% sure of HARED and since they all seemed close I discarded it. HARED is nice to score and block the B10 scoring spot for Carl, but EUV can be really bad when Carl walls me in, I think I would lean toward HUE and HUED even if I was 100% sure. HUE is nice to keep the D for hitting the G column - I chose HUED because I figured h emight try to take out the G column himself and because I want to put pressure on him so that he can't sacrifice too much to wall me in without risking his lead.
>Carl_Johnson: AELNNOS B13 ON +11 267
>Jackson: EEKNRTV G6 VENT +21 243
#note was gonna play NERVE before Carl played ON, repping a strong range. With Ss veyr high in his range I would not opt for NERVE, especialy cause when he doesnt hit he can often hit a high scoring NERVES play with a W or Z. Obv a TUPS bingo would be pretty devastating but at least his options arent great when he doesnt hit.
>Carl_Johnson: AAEENST 9C EA. +12 279
>Jackson: CEIKMRS 14J MICKS +48 291
#note could do VIM but again given his range it felt like I was asking to get destroyed by a TUPS bingo. MICKS at least puts me ahead and gives me more options if he hits his bingo.
>Carl_Johnson: AENOSTW C11 .OW +32 311
>Jackson: AEGILLR L7 ALLERGI. +74 365
>Carl_Johnson: ACEINST M1 CINEAST +73 384
>Jackson: FHLLORZ 2J ZOR.L +68 433
#note seems like this is my only options. He is almost exactly 50% to hit a bingo and win after ZORIL, from the pool of deeiirrty?. I figured it was about a coin flip in this position, cause ZORIL always wins when he doesn't bingo, and I draw the ? 30% of the time, while he can get hindered by the Y often as well when he does draw the blank. I looked at F(E)H or something to try and win that way, but even if he bingoes and leaves ZORIL alone, ZORIL will get outrun after his outplay. He can also almost always bingo on the K column when he has a bingo, blocking ZORIL altogether. I gotta take the 50% shot here and pray.
>Carl_Johnson: ?DEIIRT 5H DIgER.TI +66 450
>Carl_Johnson: (EFHLRY) +30 480