Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Chloe_Fatsis Chloe Fatsis
>Jackson: AEIOORT -OO +0 0
>Chloe_Fatsis: BIINT H4 BINIT +20 20
>Jackson: ?AEEIRT 8A TEARIEs. +74 74
>Chloe_Fatsis: ADFHLOW 7C FOLD +28 48
#note interesting turn. WHOA 7B wins a sim by a couple points, and FOLD sims close to WHO for 29. FOLD sets up WHA, which is nice.
>Jackson: ACDEFNY 5E FAC.END +52 126
#note looks right but FYCE for 42 is not so much worse
>Chloe_Fatsis: AHW 9B WHA +34 82
>Jackson: EGNORTY 4D GOY +24 150
>Chloe_Fatsis: ?CEOORS 4H .ROOChES +81 163
#note maybe ChOOSER for 5 more here. She considered CROOKEST for 80
>Jackson: EIINRTV N3 R.INVITE +65 215
>Chloe_Fatsis: EEINRTY G8 .ERENITY +62 225
>Jackson: BIQSTVX O8 TIX +47 262
#note two sweet plays I did not consider - X(Y)ST and X(Y)STI. Both look super worth it, and I would definitely do XYSTI. It sets up the Q of course, and it's not necessarily a super obvious setup, but even if she blocks, with 4 Us out I can hit QUI plays at 8L pretty often. Huge missed opportunity here. XYST sets up QI/XYSTI but the aggressive route looks best here.
>Chloe_Fatsis: AEJLMUU 14B UMLAU. +20 245
#note she considered YAJE as well. I think I would do that here, LMUU can get bailed out by UMLAUT next turn and the M can improve at 13J, whereas EJ doesnt do so much better than YAJE.
>Jackson: BEPQSUV 11E VE.P +18 280
#note beginning of PREINVITE misses. I was fairly sure of the hook but maybe only 2/3 sure, so it rarely felt worth trying. QUB(IT) is a decent play here, but if I am sure of the P hook I should probably play SQUAB E11 here, which can hit VAPE or VEEP for 46 next turn while closing the board, which would be solid.
>Chloe_Fatsis: GIJS 11K JIGS +36 281
>Jackson: AABQSUW L8 QUA.S +48 328
>Chloe_Fatsis: EHMR 15E RH.ME +46 327
>Jackson: ABDENRW J12 BAWD +33 361
#note didnt love the Z spot this creates, but she would have to have EZ to hit it next turn, and ENR absorbs the vowels in the pool well. The Z spot could also help me if she does bingo immediately. Maybe you just do WARDEN here to reach for scoring tiles and keep running this tempo advantage till the end of the game, but I felt like I had to be more proactive here. BAWD does win a sim
>Chloe_Fatsis: AGILOSU K11 .UG +19 346
#note maybe JIAO for 23 here, I dont think she can read BAWD as too much of a Z setup so maybe she can go for the Z harder here.
>Jackson: EENNORZ I13 ZE. +50 411
>Chloe_Fatsis: AAILOOS 3M O.A +10 356
>Jackson: ELNNOPR 7A EN.... +18 429
#note LOP/PREINVITES again just to outrun everything. This probably wins all the time as well, blocking the A column and outscoring the 2 row bingoes
>Chloe_Fatsis: AAIKLOS D2 LA. +4 360
>Jackson: ELNOOPR 2I ORLOP +13 442
#note a play like ENFOLD only works because the bottom of the board was so exhausted for bingoes, meaning the only place she could open more lanes is on top, but all the top lanes can be taken out at the same time. Kinda funny that this word can be placed one space over for 37 more points
>Chloe_Fatsis: ADIKOST 1A KIDS +36 396
>Jackson: EN 13B NE +14 456
>Jackson: (AOT) +6 462
Player 2
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