Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah_Walton Noah Walton
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Noah_Walton: HOPQ 8G QOPH +36 36
>Jackson: EIMORSW I6 IM.OWERS +70 70
>Noah_Walton: AEILSTX 6D LAXIT.ES +83 119
>Jackson: EEGIJKT D3 JET.IKE +46 116
>Noah_Walton: BOW C7 BOW +37 156
>Jackson: ADDGHMN 3A HAD. +30 146
>Noah_Walton: EINNU E8 ENNUI +23 179
>Jackson: ADGIIMN A3 .ADING +36 182
#note or HIDING - AM is more standard, but fewer Is in the pool and the I can be good for HADJI plays
>Noah_Walton: EFO 5J FOE +21 200
>Jackson: AEIIMST 12G AI.TIMES +72 254
#note was only 99% sure SERIATIM didnt take an S, but its so marginally better that it did not feel like it was worth the risk
>Noah_Walton: ELNOO N9 LOO.EN +16 216
>Jackson: ABCGLNU M10 GL.BA +31 285
#note couldnt come up with GLUCAN O5, which looks way better. Does a better job of outscoring, reaching for blanks, but mainly blocks one of the spots he forked open fully, whereas GLEBA doesnt really do that. GLEBA can let me block LOOSEN with GLEBAE plays next turn, often, but I really played it to outscore more than to block, and GLUCAN does a better job of both.
>Noah_Walton: AGNPR 4K PRANG +29 245
>Jackson: CENORUU 15H CONURE +36 321
>Noah_Walton: ITZ O13 TIZ +44 289
>Jackson: ACDFORU O1 COU.AR +27 348
#note somehow couldnt come up with FADO O8, terrible. leaving 9 in the bag is also probably better than 8 in the bag, because I can more often make scoring plays that don't empty the bag next turn.
>Noah_Walton: DEILV B1 VI.LED +40 329
>Jackson: ?ADEFTY 1A A.iD +27 375
#note I think this is the play. AVID outruns all the time when he doesnt bingo, so there is no reason to play anything like FAY O8. AVID blocks the most bingoes of any big scoring play like FlYTE/EPOS, the V is the most dangerous lane. I considered YEAs(T) H2 to block the most bingoes, but then I am at a risk of being outrun. AVID seems to win the most, and playing 2 tiles can open the door to him fishing at G12 with AY or something, hitting bingoes on opposite sides of the board, so I didnt want to do FE(U) or (T)YE. he bingoes less then 20% after AVID in a raw sim.
>Noah_Walton: ?ARRTUV M1 VAR. +14 343
#note the best endgame is D12 AVe, or ToUR/ThRU/TRoU at D12. No point in blocking cause I have YEASTY and FEYEST for the same score
>Jackson: EEFSTYY H1 FEYES. +39 414
>Noah_Walton: ?RTU 2J TUR.c. +14 357
>Noah_Walton: (TY) +10 367
Player 2
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