Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Steven_DiNapoli Steven DiNapoli
>Jackson: EFIISTV H5 FIVE +20 20
>Steven_DiNapoli: HMW 6F WH.M +20 20
>Jackson: ?BEISTU J4 BUSIEsT +77 97
>Steven_DiNapoli: RUU 9G URU. +16 36
>Jackson: ?DFLNOO 8J .NFOLD +42 139
>Steven_DiNapoli: EX 9L EX +39 75
>Jackson: ?EENORT O1 mENTORE. +77 216
>Steven_DiNapoli: AHNY K2 NYAH +34 109
>Jackson: IOOOOTU L2 OOT +23 239
>Steven_DiNapoli: INY 10M YIN +21 130
>Jackson: AIIOOUV -AIOOUV +0 239
#note VIA for 17 is fine here. Exchanging down to nothing, O, A, and U actually all sim above this. No Us out which is nice, plus the Q. There arent many Is out but this board might not be great for the I, so I can see keeping the O instead.
>Steven_DiNapoli: AIIL 5C ILIA +13 143
>Jackson: ACIJLPW 4B CLAP +26 265
#note JAIL/AWL is not bad here, keeping some decent potential overlaps. WAIL N2 as well. I liked taking out these lanes and leaving basically no threats on the board except the 10 row, which can often give good counterplay.
>Steven_DiNapoli: IQS 6A QIS +17 160
>Jackson: CGIJLOW M1 JOW +47 312
#note another upside of CLAP, with O draws
>Steven_DiNapoli: AEEEEEN -AEEE +0 160
>Jackson: CEGGIIL O10 .IGGLE +30 342
>Steven_DiNapoli: AT A6 .AT +36 196
>Jackson: ACEGIMU F9 GAUM +14 356
>Steven_DiNapoli: EEPRSTT 13A PRETEST +78 274
>Jackson: BCDEIRR 12C DER.IC +39 395
>Steven_DiNapoli: ADEV A11 VA.ED +36 310
>Jackson: ABOORRZ K10 ORB +12 407
>Steven_DiNapoli: ANNO L12 ANON +18 328
>Jackson: AAKORSZ 14H KAZO. +38 445
#note looked weird at first to give back a monster DIE play, but scoring huge now + monster outplay works out by 8 points
>Steven_DiNapoli: DEEI 15G DIE +32 360
>Jackson: ARS M12 RAS +34 479
>Jackson: (E) +2 481