Player 1 |
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#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Carl_Johnson Carl Johnson
>Jackson: DEFIRTT H4 FRITTED +80 80
#note this was a hard play to make cause I was not sure of the word, and I was playing one of the only opponents who I knew would know for sure whether this was a word or not. Still gotta go for it
>Carl_Johnson: ABCHN 5G B.ANCH +26 26
>Jackson: AGIIOUV 8D AGOU.I +8 88
#note very ugly position. AGIO, AGOUTI, AUDIO, VUGH. All reasonable, even exchanging. I liked this to clean up the rack and not give back much scoring potential. Felt a bit safer than something like AGIO
>Carl_Johnson: AEINNRS K5 .RANNIES +70 96
>Jackson: AIRTUVY 12H VAR.ITY +34 122
#note big miss of the BRANCHY hook here, had I thought of it, IVY is a very clear play. About 7 points better in a sim. Big error
>Carl_Johnson: ?EGMNOR E4 GENO.RaM +94 190
>Jackson: AHILOSU F10 HAUL +31 153
#note suddenly this great opening position has gone south, and Carl could even have the suspicion that I do not see the BRANCHY hook. I considered HORAL here but not HORA, which is cool to set up the L and S hook, and with no Hs left it's safe from HORAH. ILSU is still a bit rough, Quackle does prefer HULA and HAUL. Taking out this scoring spot is also not bad. HORA could be a bit better cause after HULA, J10 plays can take out the hook, whereas in the opposite case, the HORAL hook would still be useful after an F column play. I didnt like UH here because I wanted to be proactive in opening new lanes. Looks close here.
>Carl_Johnson: IOOV 13C OVO.I +18 208
>Jackson: ADIIORS D12 A.ID +20 173
#note didnt see AROID 6J here, which is nice to set up the S more aggressively. AVID does something similar, and often he might be compelles to block the 15 row when he doesnt have great options there. IORS then plays pretty well through the T of VARSITY. I think I still prefer AVID to AROID overall because Carl can make some 8K plays from the N to block all the main lanes and the AROIDS hook, whereas AVID gives me more dispersed options. AVID sims best.
>Carl_Johnson: EEF 15A FEE. +24 232
>Jackson: DIMORSW 14A OW +25 198
#note my god, ROWDYISM is 100. I also did not think of HAULM here, IODISM is 61. horrendous
>Carl_Johnson: DEY M3 DEY +31 263
>Jackson: DILMRSS L2 SID. +25 223
#note ISM/HAULM is by far the best play.
>Carl_Johnson: ?CEENOT 2E CEnTONE. +63 326
>Jackson: GILMRRS J10 GR.RL +21 244
>Carl_Johnson: OPTZ 14I P.OTZ +16 342
>Jackson: AEILMSS 14I .....ES +36 280
#note was hoping to hit AMI or a rare 15 row bingo after PLOTZES, hence not MEALS for 42.
>Carl_Johnson: EEEKPTW 15F JIBE +43 385
>Jackson: AILMNSU 15M AMI +36 316
>Carl_Johnson: EEKOPTW N10 KA. +20 405
>Jackson: ELNQSUX I1 L.X +18 334
>Carl_Johnson: AELOPTW O7 PLEAT +29 434
>Jackson: ENQSUU 4A SQUE. +32 366
>Carl_Johnson: OW N6 WO +17 451
>Carl_Johnson: (NU) +4 455