Player 1 |
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#player1 Chloe_Fatsis Chloe Fatsis
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Chloe_Fatsis: ?EIOPRV -EIO +0 0
>Jackson: CIIMSTT H7 TIC +10 10
#note considered MITT, but IMST is an improvement in leave and ETIC plays will give ETICS. With her x3 range having more Ss in it, the advantage of MITT making a better S lane is somewhat lower.
>Chloe_Fatsis: EEFINRT 9A FRENETI. +65 65
>Jackson: EHIMRST I3 HERMITS +88 98
>Chloe_Fatsis: EIKLQTY - +0 65
#note lucky I just studied FRENETICS, I might have doubted it a couple months agoca
>Jackson: DEEIJWZ 4H J.WED +48 146
#note seems better than JEEZE and JEED, the EIZ combo is super potent here
>Chloe_Fatsis: BFU A6 BUF. +36 101
>Jackson: AEIORRZ H1 RIO.A +43 189
>Chloe_Fatsis: ??GRSUW F7 oU.GRoWS +66 167
#note only 3 bingoes here - GROWNUPS is best, through the N.
>Jackson: EEQRVYZ B2 VEERY +53 242
>Chloe_Fatsis: AAKLNNT 5K LANK +23 190
#note made me wonder if this was an S setup, cause LANK only takes a Y, but the S hook would be a good bait
>Jackson: ADIOQUZ 4A Z.DA +48 290
#note was feeling very good here
>Chloe_Fatsis: AAEINTT 1H .EATTAIN +77 267
>Jackson: AIIOOQU D9 .AOI +8 298
#note QUAIS is standard, but tons of Os left to draw so IOO could really go south, plus NAOI blocks the best lane on the board, while setting up my Q at C12 for 30-40 point plays next turn. QUAIS sims about 6 better and I guess the scoring value is large when I am not up too much, but I still like this play
>Chloe_Fatsis: ADEGOOO -ADEG +0 267
>Jackson: DGILOQU C12 QUOD +39 337
>Chloe_Fatsis: ACEINST M5 .ANCIEST +62 329
>Jackson: DGILLNR 14B R.LL. +10 347
#note DOLLS is standard here but I have the case D for DROLLS with no Ts out. GINR is also not so good here because of the lack of bingo lines. While the DROLLS spot isnt so huge immediatley, I can sit on it until I hit something bigger.
>Chloe_Fatsis: INOY O5 YONI +33 362
>Jackson: DEGINOO 2J GEOID +41 388
>Chloe_Fatsis: AEEHMPP L10 HEAP +29 391
#note REAPPEAR 5B is sweet, and probably the best play here. HEAP could work out well if she draws the S but I can also often get bailouts like BOO here that block well.
>Jackson: BLNOOOS K11 BOON +29 417
>Chloe_Fatsis: EEMPUVX J13 MUX +25 416
>Jackson: AGLOS 15H LO. +30 447
#note GOX of course, I dont remember even considering it
>Chloe_Fatsis: EEPV 15A PE. +20 436
>Jackson: AGS E4 SAG +23 470
>Jackson: (EV) +10 480