Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Orry_Swift Orry Swift
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Orry_Swift: AAIILNT -AAI +0 0
>Jackson: ?AEEGOP H3 APOGEEs +74 74
#note might do PEONAGE normally but S is higher in his x3 range so went for APOGEES.
>Orry_Swift: ANNOSST 3C ASSON.NT +70 70
#note he wasnt sure of NONPASTS
>Jackson: EEEINRU 4F RU.EE +15 89
#note considered SUE as well, EEINR is not bad on this board, but RUPEE seems a couple points better
>Orry_Swift: AENORTW I6 OW +21 91
>Jackson: EIMMNST G7 MM +24 113
>Orry_Swift: AEKNRRT 2C TEAK +41 132
#note could do STREAK here but this looks good
>Jackson: DEINOST 1A DIET +25 138
#note really bad play here. I missed S(TA)TIONED,which is obviously best. I also did not think of OD 1D. I didnt love GOO or GOOD for giving back some 1a plays, but OD blocks those and keeps a sick leave. Terrible play
>Orry_Swift: CENRRVZ 6H ..VERN +18 150
>Jackson: BFILNOS 5K FOIN +28 166
>Orry_Swift: CJLRRWZ -CJLRRW +0 150
>Jackson: ABIILQS 5B QIBLA +40 206
>Orry_Swift: AITV 6A VITA +28 178
>Jackson: BCIIJPS 4M JIB +27 233
#note BORIC is actually not bad here to keep O1 J plays with FOINS. JIB works out better in any other scenario longer term, but they both sim well and close.
>Orry_Swift: CEIRUXZ O1 CUR. +24 202
#note I think orry missed JINX here, XU is solid
>Jackson: CDINPST M3 D...N +28 261
#note hard turn. DJINN, DJINNS, DJIN, DJINNI, ID, PITMEN are all reasonable here. DJINN is the most aggressive and has some downside, but also seems clearly the best on average - if he doesnt hit a DJINN? play, I get at least 47 poitns and a very very strong position. He often might have something a bit weaker there, and then I still have a stronger rack than after any of the other plays, which either spend the S or the vowel. DJINN wins a sim by 5.
>Orry_Swift: EEFILXZ 8K EXILE +74 276
#note obv worked out about as badly as it could. Maybe there could be some read against Orry that he's more likely to keep scoring tiles than othe rplayers.
>Jackson: CHIPSTY A6 .ICHY +48 309
>Orry_Swift: AFLOU B10 AFOUL +27 303
>Jackson: ADPRSST C10 PADS +34 343
#note usually I like hanging onto extra Ss, especially case Ss, but this board was not great for the S, and even though I might be able to set something up later it will be a while and might be hard to make a good S setup, I am more likely to go for a bingo here on this board. PADS is the best for that goal
>Orry_Swift: AGNW A12 GNAW +42 345
#note this was a pretty frustrating game for stuff like EXILE and GNAW coming down, but this position was very good punishment for missing stuff earlier
>Jackson: DERSTTU 8G ..T +11 354
#note Q prefers KORAT and UT/UTE to this. UT seems to bingo more since the DERSTU leave is actually quite weak on this board. I permuted and did not like making OWT for that reason, cause I don't actually hit very often, given Orry isn't going to open too often. I think my favourite play here is INSULTED N4, which I missed. That puts me up 26, leaving 4 in the bag. He has to empty the bag if he wants to score anything, and INSULTED also reaches for the ? and Z, which are great tiles here. it's true that INSULTED can get fucked by a Z play or even a big O column play without the Z, but I think it has a good timing overall and reaches for the blank.
>Orry_Swift: EZ N8 .EZ +32 377
>Jackson: DERRSTU L8 .ERUS +24 378
#note Somehow did not see FARD and missed CURD nd CRUD, which are great aggressive plays. CURD is probably what i'd play. I think it is absolutely the call here and definitely my best shot, especially if I can draw an A for ZA plays and threaten to outscore that way. I considered FARTED as well, to at least threaten a better lane, but he can often block and maintain a good lead going into the endgame. Maybe that's better than XERUS just to try to get some occasional bingoes if he can't block well. XERUS is going for outscoring, hoping for the blank or the A for ZA plays. It might be a bit too optimistic tho - some scoring plays could outrun my out in twos. It at least makes him be afraid of my potential bingoes. I think the more aggressive CURD is the way to go here, but XERUS and FARTED have some advantages in threatening to outscore.
>Orry_Swift: EHILORY M11 HOLY +27 404
>Jackson: DGIOORT N12 DOOR +26 404
>Orry_Swift: ?AEIR O13 RuE +20 424
>Jackson: GIT 7D GI +9 413
#note GET for 6 is better
>Orry_Swift: AI O10 AI +13 437
>Orry_Swift: (T) +2 439