Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Ed_Roth Ed Roth
>Jackson: BIMRRST H6 BRIM +16 16
#note considered BRR here and thought it might be close with BRIM. BRIM is standard, RST is fairly close in value to IMST, but the defense of BRR is strong, especially with BRR plays extending horizontally and potentially giving new lanes. Might decrease the value of my S slightly, though, compared to BRIM. Q has BRIM up a point in a sim
>Ed_Roth: DDDEIIV I8 DIVIDED +73 73
>Jackson: ?AEIRST 11D rARIT.ES +78 94
>Ed_Roth: ACEEK 12A ACKEE +28 101
>Jackson: ?EIIOTZ H13 TIZ +41 135
#note The standard ZOIsITE(S) is probably right here, and TIZ is not the best non-bingo either. I went against ZOISITES cause it makes an easy scoring spot, but there are enough other scoring spots on the board that it doesnt really change the game, as annoying as it is to make QI bombs and ZA plays. It wins a sim by 9 points, which is hard to justify for exploitative reasons. The cool play here is BI for 4, setting up BIZ plays, that could be massive bingoes or even just 60-70 point bombs keeping the Z. That is very close in the sim with BIZE and BIZ. I like these plays more than TIZ because I can hit way more triple triples, both by keeping the extra consonant, which is important than trying to hit the A with EIO on my rack, and also to create a distraction spot. I think I should have played BIZ here at least, if not bingoing.
>Ed_Roth: AEFHIPR -AEF +0 101
>Jackson: ?EIOPUX A12 .PEX +39 174
>Ed_Roth: AJ 6F JA. +28 129
>Jackson: ?GIOOUU -GOOUU +0 174
>Ed_Roth: EGILNSS 14G S..ELINGS +76 205
#note great phony. SIDELING looks like it should take an S, but it just means SIDELONG and doesnt take anything
>Jackson: ?AIIOTW O12 WI.T +33 207
>Ed_Roth: AMW B12 .AW +30 235
>Jackson: ?AAIOOU 7F OA. +16 223
#note could see any of JIAO, OA(R), AND exchanging down to AI? here (to counter the pool). OAR felt like I could open the board a bit more easilylater at 8A, which I liked, not letting him potentially close the K column and leave me helpless.
>Ed_Roth: DGRU 8C DRUG +18 253
>Jackson: ?AEIORU K5 OUtRAI.E +64 287
>Ed_Roth: MOOY 8K .OOMY +33 286
>Jackson: EFFGLOT D4 EFFO.T +24 311
#note saw GOFFER but was not sure of it. Clearly better
>Ed_Roth: AHHLNOR -AHHLN +0 286
>Jackson: GHILLNS 4B SH.LLING +63 374
>Ed_Roth: BRU H1 BUR. +18 304
>Jackson: AEENTVY C12 .YE +42 416
#note considered VA(S)TY which could possibly win slightly more given it leaves 7 in the bag, but after KYE it was pretty hard to imagine losing, even if he bingoes immediately I can almost always block everything or outrun a potential second bingo. VASTY might be a slightly more solid play, this was just a rare case where I went for a bit of spread
>Ed_Roth: EEHLNOT J14 .N +2 306
>Jackson: AEENTUV L1 VENUE +26 442
>Ed_Roth: AEHLOOP L12 HE.L +26 332
>Jackson: AAOOOQT 3J QA.AT +28 470
>Ed_Roth: ACNNPRT M2 N.P +11 343
>Jackson: OOO C4 .OO +16 486
#note same value as OHO for 1 more point, but OHO makes his endgame a bit easier with COHO plays
>Ed_Roth: ACNRT M6 AC.RN +11 354
#note ACHOO here is hard to spot
>Jackson: O 6B O.. +8 494
>Jackson: (T) +2 496