Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jon_Shreve Jon Shreve
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Jon_Shreve: ?AELNST 8D LANcETS +64 64
>Jackson: EENOSTW J8 .EW +14 14
#note hard turn to compare so many similar options. WO(S) and SEW sim best.
>Jon_Shreve: EIOO D8 .OOIE +10 74
>Jackson: AELNOST 11F TOLANES +71 85
>Jon_Shreve: BDEO H11 .OBED +27 101
>Jackson: AAEMNOR L4 AMARONE. +72 157
>Jon_Shreve: ENZ K4 ZEN +45 146
>Jackson: AEGGPRY M1 GRAPEY +49 206
>Jon_Shreve: DEIRSTT 14E TIR.DEST +63 209
>Jackson: ADGHQTT C11 QAT +37 243
>Jon_Shreve: DIIJOUY F6 JU. +26 235
>Jackson: DFGGHIT 1K FI.HT +39 282
#note standard anyways, but nice that I get DOGFIGHT sometimes
>Jon_Shreve: EPR 1H PRE..... +51 286
>Jackson: BDEGGHO 15A BOGGED +44 326
#note seems better than HOGGED, the H for SH and 2J is nice
>Jon_Shreve: ?AINUVX 9C V.X +26 312
#note actual rack.
>Jackson: HIIKOUW 2E KIWI +17 343
#note so many Is out, did not want to kep one myself. KIWI sims best, the K instead of the W at 2E is good with the O in my leave, stuff like HUNDO
>Jon_Shreve: AINU 3B UNAI +14 326
>Jackson: CHLMOUY 4A CHUM +43 386
#note hard turn. CHUM leaves 7 in the bag, so his bingo will empty, which sounds good except for the fact that the C at A4 give sa good lane that might even outrun me immediately. At least if he bingoes from the C, often that uses the better tiles in the pool, and LOY can absorb problem tiles fairly well (stuff like OILY at a minimum), but this was a real risk at this score - CHUM would be a no brainer if I had 10 more points. Considered HUM for this reason, but even with a C lower in his range with UNAI he still draws one a good amount of the time. Nothing else seems to be great here, maybe MOUCH for defense, lowers his bingo % to 15 from 21. OUCH 15M doesnt actually lower his bingo percentage compared to CHUM. I also prefer leaving 7 in the bag to 6, since I want to be able to try to complete the outrunning seuqence next turn, which is easier if I leave 7 in the bag now given that I might be able to play 2-3 tiles next turn instead of just 1-2.
>Jon_Shreve: ?ACDIIU 13J DUI +11 337
>Jackson: ILLNOVY 8L .NLY +21 407
#note still some worries about getting outscored here after his bingo, especially with the 15L spot taken. ONLY seems good
>Jon_Shreve: ?CFIO 1A COIFs +45 382
>Jackson: ILORRSV A4 .OIRS +21 428
#note (E)VIL is the best play, saving SORER andTORRS
>Jon_Shreve: AAE N7 A.AE +6 388
>Jon_Shreve: (LRV) +12 400