Game Details
Player 1
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#player1 Ed_de_Guzman Ed de Guzman
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Ed_de_Guzman: FFIV 8G VIFF +26 26
>Jackson: AILNOUU -OUU +0 0
#note UVULA is standard for equity but its better to send the defensive position back to Ed. UVULA gives a ton back and H11 plays will not give as much back to me
>Ed_de_Guzman: ?ABDDEG H6 Br.GADED +63 89
>Jackson: AAAILNZ 12D AZAL.A +30 30
#note didnt see ZAI(D)A, that looks more solid here. Sims a few points back. The main diff. in the plays' stats are that he averages more after AZALEA - my average and bingo % is about the same after both plays
>Ed_de_Guzman: IW E10 WI. +30 119
>Jackson: AHINNRW 13A WHIN +22 52
>Ed_de_Guzman: ADEJ A11 JA.ED +51 170
>Jackson: AELNNRT F9 REN.L +16 68
#note hated this position. I didnt see WIZEN, didnt relaly consider N(I)L or N(A)N strongly. RENAL sims better than it performs statically, but is still a solid 5 points behind NIL and WIZEN. Not sure I like WIZEN, you really want an S here for VIFFS here, ALNRT is going to be shit next turn. NIL at least goes hard for the bingo now, andwhile AENRT is not super potent on this board it's still a solid leave, bingoing around half the time. I chose RENAL to draw an S more often and not give back much in terms of score - DENTAL felt a little too easy a position for Ed to play. Not sure whats best here, I don't hate RENAL but I could see one of the other plays being better.
>Ed_de_Guzman: CEENT 13H .ECENT +23 193
>Jackson: ?AENRTU K2 NATUREs +75 143
#note chose to take the 2 point hit over DENATURE to open the board more proactively - with SSSS out, after DENATURE I expect a vertical VIFFS play pretty often that wont give back much to me, and I can get walled in.
>Ed_de_Guzman: EEUV L11 VE.UE +18 211
>Jackson: ADGILOT 15I GOD.TIA +27 170
#note vowel heavy pool so liked keeping the L to stabilize. Didnt love blocking the 15 row here, ideally I would keep the D- lane open. DOGT(A)IL also works well to fork the board here, that might be the aggressive option needed. I was wary of letting him score too much on average and outrunning two bingoes. GOT(H) is another good idea. I think I like GOTH best here, it is aggressive and goes for bingoing while not letting him score too much on average. G(E)OID is another option that leaves the 15 row open and threatens a better O column lane. I like both options better than GODETIA, with GOTH best.
>Ed_de_Guzman: ENOSY 4J S.ONEY +26 237
>Jackson: ILOORSU O1 OIL. +21 191
>Ed_de_Guzman: IIMNO M2 MI.ION +18 255
>Jackson: AOORSSU 8M SOU +18 209
#note hated this position. I assumed he had an S after STONEY because of TONEY, and I didnt like the idea of him getting easy MINIONS plays that score well and block the N column. That said, forcing him to spend his S may not be so bad, especially because after SOU I could let him block the D column and I wil lbe left with almost no bingo options. While SOU could potentially slowly claw my way back in with scoring, it's hard to imagine doing that at this big a deficit, so I think I should play something like OO(F) to try and keep more bingo threats alive.
>Ed_de_Guzman: HO N6 HO. +29 284
>Jackson: AMOPRSS B12 S.MO +31 240
#note drawing the S was a bit of a mindfuck, Ed said after the game he just wasnt sure of TONEY so didnt want to risk it. Not a great position here but I want to score and stay in range - I could still hit the 2 row or hope he doesn't do an adequat block of the D column. The problem with plays like J2 OM(S) is that it can let him outrun my bingoes too easily - felt like I had to bide my time and make something happen later.
>Ed_de_Guzman: BTY D11 B..TY +19 303
>Jackson: AEIPQRS N14 Q. +22 262
>Ed_de_Guzman: IX J8 .IX +29 332
>Jackson: AEIPRRS 6A SPARERI. +70 332
#note this was the idea with QI, to go for the R for SPARERIB. Ofc the problem is that here, I am still at such a disavantage - almost any rack he can have can let him have an out in two for the win. I might have to threaten a bingo or draw all the vowels.
>Ed_de_Guzman: KPRRTTU C2 KURT. +18 350
#note crazy ending, I was so dead after SPARERIB, certainly way less than 10% to win, he almost always has a good enough rack to do an easy out in two. I got lucky that he had about as bad a rack as he could. He actually has one win here that's super tough to spot - TURP(S), a sticky S word, saves TR(E)K and T(U)RK at O7, just enough to win.
>Jackson: ACEEGLO 4C .ELACE +18 350
>Ed_de_Guzman: PRT O7 T.P +8 358
>Jackson: GO N1 GO +19 369
>Jackson: (R) +2 371
Player 2
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