Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jackson Jackson
#player2 Billy_Nakamura Billy Nakamura
>Jackson: EEFGLNW H7 FEW +18 18
#note I liked that FEW didnt give back an S hook, plus the L really helps EGN. FLEW is nicer for the extra 2 points and making overlaps a bit harder. Close in a sim
>Billy_Nakamura: HIMOSUU -HIMOUU +0 0
#note Actual rack. I agree with exchanging here but I might keep HS or IMS
>Jackson: DEEGLNO G7 ODE +21 39
>Billy_Nakamura: EF I7 FE +26 26
>Jackson: EGILNOS J1 LEGIONS +72 111
>Billy_Nakamura: ALNQRST 10B TRANQS +42 68
>Jackson: EILMORY 1H MO.LY +42 153
>Billy_Nakamura: BEEHLOO C8 BO.EHOLE +78 146
>Jackson: AEGINRV E4 RAVENI.G +98 251
>Billy_Nakamura: LPW 15A PL.W +39 185
>Jackson: ?IMNSTU 2B MISTUNe +73 324
>Billy_Nakamura: CETU 1A CUTE +30 215
>Jackson: BEIIRSZ 8A BI. +21 345
>Billy_Nakamura: AAIORTV 4H AV.ATOR +22 237
>Jackson: DDEIRSZ O4 SIZED +60 405
>Billy_Nakamura: ?AAEGIN D10 .GA +23 260
>Jackson: DIOPRTU O1 OUT..... +54 459
>Billy_Nakamura: ?AEIKNO K3 O.K +29 289
>Jackson: DEEIPRU 4A DUPE. +20 479
#note or updive
>Billy_Nakamura: ?AEIIIN N8 INIA +9 298
>Jackson: ACEHIRR M3 R.ACH +28 507
>Billy_Nakamura: ?AEIJ O11 AJIEs +59 357
>Jackson: ADEINRY 6B DRI.EN +22 529
>Billy_Nakamura: RTX 2N X. +18 375
>Jackson: AY N13 AY +22 551
>Jackson: (RT) +4 555
Player 2
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