Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Cheryl_Kagan Cheryl Kagan
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Cheryl_Kagan: FNOTU H4 FOUNT +24 24
>Jackson: AAAFJNW 5F AJ.WAN +32 32
>Cheryl_Kagan: ERUZ J5 .ZURE +34 58
>Jackson: ADFIOPR 6B FIORD +28 60
#note Didnt really consider OF I8, but I prefer FIORD anyways, both optimally and to take a less variant and more open board approach. Sims best by around 2-3 points
>Cheryl_Kagan: ACLM C3 CLA.M +24 82
>Jackson: ADDLOPW 4A WA.LOP +36 96
>Cheryl_Kagan: ITU K9 TUI +8 90
>Jackson: ACDDIKV I8 AVID +25 121
>Cheryl_Kagan: NOOT L7 TOON +14 104
>Jackson: CDKOPRS A1 CRO.D +33 154
#note Big sacrifice over POCKS L1, but I liked this decision. KPS scores really well here, with -SK words with CLAIMS plus other K and P words down the H column, stuff like APEEK. Q thinks this is way too big a sacrifice and POCKS is 7 points better, that KPS doesnt average so much more, but that's hard to believe, especially over the next few turns. It's true that POCKS does bingo more, immediately. I still dont hate this play optimally, and I also wanted to lean towards not opening the 3x3 unless it was necessary.
>Cheryl_Kagan: ?AAINRS M2 fARINAS +69 173
>Jackson: ?AEIKPS 1A .APESKIn +98 252
>Cheryl_Kagan: EGIIIMN - +0 173
>Jackson: EIMNOSV H11 OVINE +39 291
#note MOVIES is asking for trouble a bit
>Cheryl_Kagan: EGLLOST 2J GOL. +8 181
>Jackson: EEEEMNS I3 EE. +12 303
#note or E(M)E to be aggressive.
>Cheryl_Kagan: DELRSTU 14E TRU.DLES +63 244
>Jackson: EEEEMNS 7B E.E +12 315
#note I think I forgot to track an S at this point because I was aware of the EME setup at N6 but did not think I had the case S here. That looks like the play for sure. The pool is so bad that she is less than 1% to bingo after EME.
>Cheryl_Kagan: ABBIR 15A RABBI +38 282
>Jackson: EEMNSTY 8A MY +30 345
>Cheryl_Kagan: IQ L12 QI. +24 306
>Jackson: EEHNSTX 13G X. +34 379
>Cheryl_Kagan: EGGHITY M11 HIT +27 333
>Jackson: EEEHNST N2 SHEN +33 412
>Cheryl_Kagan: EGGY 4L G..Y +24 357
>Jackson: EET N9 TEE +10 422
>Jackson: (EG) +6 428
Player 2
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