Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Natalie_Dicou Natalie Dicou
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEKNOS 8H OK +12 12
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 1. Looks best. I asked Carl about this position and he also agreed this is best. Getting better at these types of opening positions where you are supposed to play short and keep powerful 5 tile leaves.
>Natalie_Dicou: IQ 9G QI +23 23
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACDDENS J7 DANCED +23 35
#note J8 ADD for 16 to keep a better leave.
>Natalie_Dicou: FOY K11 FOY +31 54
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABMNOSS L12 MOB +31 66
#note Setting up my S's.
>Natalie_Dicou: INX M13 NIX +36 90
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEINNSS K2 SIENNAS +75 141
#note Best. Scored as 77.
>Natalie_Dicou: FLLR 3I FR.LL +24 114
>Jonathan_Lindh: AACENUY N1 CAY +28 169
>Natalie_Dicou: EHT 1L TE.H +30 144
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEINUZ 10D NAZI +44 213
>Natalie_Dicou: EGILRST 4C GRISTLE +73 217
>Jonathan_Lindh: ??AEHRU C2 Up.AtHER +80 293
#note C2 RUGELACH for 80 is a tiny bit better but RUGELACH and UPGATHER are easily the two best bingos.
>Natalie_Dicou: DE 15M .ED +33 250
>Jonathan_Lindh: AELOOPP 8A PE.P +33 326
#note Close. 8A PEEPAL for 39 is the play.
>Natalie_Dicou: AENRSTT A8 .ATTERNS +83 333
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AELMOOW 11D OMA +31 357
#note Best.
>Natalie_Dicou: JU F2 JU. +26 359
>Jonathan_Lindh: EELOUVW 13A .EWOVE +24 381
#note I liked REWOVE to block plays under OMA.
>Natalie_Dicou: AGIV N10 VAGI +23 382
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEGILU 12C AL +17 398
#note Never saw the amazing 14L BILE for 35. That's insane. I played AL to score a bit and set up EGAL plays.
>Natalie_Dicou: DUW 14F WUD +28 410
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEGIOU H12 BI.E +30 428
#note Best. BIDE saves B11 OGEE for 21. 100% to win.
>Natalie_Dicou: IOTT 5F TOIT +25 435
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGIOU B11 OG.E +21 449
#note 15D GIE for 12 and J1 OUR for 9 are actually 2 points better now. OGEE is tied for 3rd and 100% to win.
>Natalie_Dicou: ORR E9 R.. +5 440
#note 7B RHO for 12 would have made things really tight. I still win by 2 if I play B6 IRE for 8 which I'm sure I would have found.
>Jonathan_Lindh: IU 6C .UI +2 451
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (OR) +4 455
#note Final score recorded as 457-440.
Player 2
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