Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Bennett_Jacobstein Bennett Jacobstein
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Bennett_Jacobstein: GUV H7 VUG +14 14
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 2.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEILNUY 9F YU.A +10 10
>Bennett_Jacobstein: AMPR 10D PRAM +21 35
>Jonathan_Lindh: EIILNOY 7G I.Y +14 24
>Bennett_Jacobstein: OO D10 .OO +10 45
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEILNOT 13C ELATION +74 98
#note So far so good.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: EJS H12 J.ES +57 102
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?ABEINO 15A NIOBAtE. +86 184
#note Looks best.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: AANZ 6I AZAN +38 140
>Jonathan_Lindh: EIRRSUX M2 XERUS +38 222
#note Really hard turn. XERUS is best followed closely by 14A EX for 38 which I considered. IRRSU is just too gross for me to have as a leave if I can avoid it.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: EORT L1 ROTE +25 165
>Jonathan_Lindh: AIIIRRW 6C WIRRA +12 234
>Bennett_Jacobstein: EFO N1 FOE +35 200
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEHIILQ B14 Q. +22 256
#note Best.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: AEFK 5B FAKE +37 237
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEHIILV 1H VILE. +24 280
#note Or 1G LIVIER for 27.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: IPST 4A PITS +43 280
>Jonathan_Lindh: CCDEEHI A1 CHI. +33 313
#note Best.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: BI 12H .IB +14 294
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACDEEOT K8 COATEE +29 342
#note Hard turn. JIB screamed fish. Quackle prefers COATED which I strongly considered, but I wanted to leave myself a hook onto JIBE in case Bennett played elsewhere. Bennett could easily bingo in column O.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: ?ETW L12 sTEW +48 342
#note I was fine with seeing this play come down. The pool is very short on vowels so Bennett will probably have rough sledding the rest of the game.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEHNOSU J10 HU. +31 373
#note Best. 100% to win.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: GILN 8K .LING +27 369
>Jonathan_Lindh: DDEGNOS 11C D.ES +20 393
#note 15J GOWNED for 33. My endgame wasn't great, but everything is 100% to win.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: DDLMNRT 10J ..RM +9 378
>Jonathan_Lindh: DGNO O3 DOG +11 404
#note D1 DOGSKIN for 15. Also O3 DONG for 12 which I think I saw but backed out of.
>Bennett_Jacobstein: DDLNT 14L .LD +8 386
#note 14H END for 11 is 3 points better.
>Jonathan_Lindh: N D4 ...N +8 412
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (DNT) +8 420
#note Final score recorded as 418-385.
Player 2
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