Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Carl_Johnson Carl Johnson
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Carl_Johnson: AIIILNT 8F INITIAL +66 66
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 6. Carl won the tournament and this game was the icing on his king cake. 662 is the most anybody has ever put up against me in any game, tournament, club, or casual. INITIAL was his first bingo with 3 I's in the game.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEHNOO 7F HOO +17 17
#note Apparently 7G OBE for 17. All of the top plays are pretty similar. I played HOO to create a sneaky SHOO opening.
>Carl_Johnson: ?HIRSTU K4 THeS.URI +90 156
#note I was not winning this game.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEEGNR 11H BER.NGED +62 79
#note Looks best.
>Carl_Johnson: OOWY O8 WOO.Y +48 204
>Jonathan_Lindh: EOOPUUZ H11 .OOZE +51 130
#note Best.
>Carl_Johnson: DEIIV L2 IVIED +29 233
#note IVIED would eventually lead to Carl's 2nd 3 I bingo.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEMPRUU 6D UMP +27 157
#note 2I UMPIRE for 32.
>Carl_Johnson: FFIR M11 .RIFF +24 257
>Jonathan_Lindh: EENNRUY 5B RUNE +18 175
#note N8 EYNE for 23.
>Carl_Johnson: CDEIIOS 2G IDIOC.ES +76 333
#note There's the 2nd 3 I bingo.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEGJNRY N10 J.AN +60 235
#note Best.
>Carl_Johnson: ALMT 1G MALT +35 368
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEGGKRY B2 KER.Y +40 275
#note 1M YAK for 37 but honestly, nothing wins.
>Carl_Johnson: ABLSTTU A6 BUTTALS +87 455
#note Carl was bingoing no matter what.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEGGOSV 14K OA.S +38 313
>Carl_Johnson: ANTW J5 TWA.N +40 495
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEEGGV L10 E.G +26 339
#note I played short reduce my Q exposure.
>Carl_Johnson: EX B9 EX +52 547
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEGNQV 15C AVENG.D +16 355
#note I said I played short to reduce my Q exposure and look at what I drew. I was trying to block bingos with AVENGED and ended up blocking PRECAVAE. I think AVENGED is best. It's valuation is -133.9. Yep it was that kind of game.
>Carl_Johnson: ?AACEPR I13 PA. +27 574
#note Best. Carl blocked LOAFS. He has no bingos here.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ELQ 10A ..LE +11 366
#note I needed to play 14B EL for 6 to block Carl's genius move. I only saw UNAVENGED, not the other extension.
>Carl_Johnson: ?ACER C2 AR +14 588
>Jonathan_Lindh: Q - +0 366
>Carl_Johnson: ?CE 15L E. +9 597
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: Q - +0 366
>Carl_Johnson: ?C 15A sC....... +45 642
#note Never saw it coming.
>Carl_Johnson: (Q) +20 662
Player 2
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