Player 1 |
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#player1 Maddy_Kamen Maddy Kamen
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Maddy_Kamen: GHIW 8F WHIG +22 22
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 8.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABFJLOT F6 JO. +29 29
#note JABOT got blocked. JOW or JAW are the plays here.
>Maddy_Kamen: ILN 9D NIL +17 39
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABFLORT 8A FORA +27 56
#note Looks fine.
>Maddy_Kamen: AMNV D4 VANM.. +22 61
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDHILTT B7 B.TH +17 73
#note I5 BLIGHT for 17.
>Maddy_Kamen: ??AEEIT - +0 61
#note Exchange 6. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEILST H3 STILB.ED +62 135
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEILST -- -62 73
#note This is the play that cost me the game. I saw BILSTED, thought I was making it up, and played STILBIED*, which I keep confusing with TRILBIED.
>Maddy_Kamen: OY 10F YO +39 100
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEILST 9H DIB +14 87
>Maddy_Kamen: CEEIRST K3 TIERCES +75 175
#note A8 FIERCEST for 105.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ELOSTUW 4G OUTW.LES +74 161
#note Best.
>Maddy_Kamen: ENOVY 11G ENVOY +24 199
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADEKLR H11 .AKED +33 194
#note Best.
>Maddy_Kamen: ?AELNOP M3 b.ANPOLE +76 275
#note 2nd best to 15A ANGLEPOD for 83.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADELOR 3J A. +7 201
#note Should not have fished. A10 ORDEAL for 32 and keep scoring. However, I was sunk here no matter what.
>Maddy_Kamen: AEERRST 15A ARRESTE. +80 355
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADEGLOR H1 ALO.D +18 219
>Maddy_Kamen: GIOSUUX N10 XU +50 405
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGMPRTZ 5C Z.G +26 245
#note Best.
>Maddy_Kamen: EGIOSTU 1H .GOUTIES +80 485
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EIMPRT 14H .MPTIERs +84 329
>Maddy_Kamen: FI 15K IF +20 505
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACEINQR O12 QI. +21 350
#note Once again, I cannot find E11 CINQS for 32, by far the best play, and one that allows me to go out in two. QIS is 3rd best.
>Maddy_Kamen: ADEINU 12J DENI +18 523
#note 2B UNIDEAL for 20 to go out. None of us saw that.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACENR C10 ACRE +17 367
#note 13E CRAKE for 18 is 1 point more.
>Maddy_Kamen: AU N4 .AU +11 534
#note Best.
>Maddy_Kamen: (N) +2 536