Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Greg_Harper Greg Harper
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Greg_Harper: AHY 8G HAY +18 18
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 10.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGNOOPU 7G UPO +23 23
#note Looks good.
>Greg_Harper: HOT 6G HOT +26 44
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEEGNNO 9I ONE +12 35
#note Have to worry about 6 pass scenarios now. ONE looks fine.
>Greg_Harper: BRV K8 V.RB +18 62
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEGILNW 10F WEINE. +31 66
#note WIENER in the same spot is a smidge better, but this is the right idea. I had a cool overlap like this against Orry Swift. Need to find more of these kinds of plays.
>Greg_Harper: AI L11 AI +8 70
>Jonathan_Lindh: AACGLRU 8K .ACUA +33 99
#note Looks fine.
>Greg_Harper: ARZ M8 .ZAR +30 100
#note CZAR sets up some very dangerous plays such as XENIC/XERIC.
>Jonathan_Lindh: GILMRSV 13I VIRLS +27 126
#note I feel I have to defend N10. That spot is too dangerous to let sit idly by.
>Greg_Harper: FOO 11D FOO +17 117
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEGIMNX 12D ENG +27 153
#note First significant mistake of the game. I missed 12A CIMEX for 57. I sometimes struggle to see that word. ENG is about #3.
>Greg_Harper: BDRSU J2 DRUBS +23 140
>Jonathan_Lindh: CIIMRSX K4 MI +20 173
#note Best.
>Greg_Harper: ?DGLMNS O7 M.NGoLDS +62 202
#note Only bingo.
>Jonathan_Lindh: CIIRSTX L2 CIST +27 200
#note Maybe 2J DIXIT for 26, although that play often gives a lot back. I am fine with CIST. Quackle has CIST as 2nd behind DIXIT by a small margin.
>Greg_Harper: ?NP J12 N.P +11 213
#note Greg told me he kept a blank. An A can also hook onto NIP.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EINOORX K13 .OO +7 207
#note Forced. AAAA? unseen means it's too dangerous to leave this spot alone.
>Greg_Harper: AY 2L .AY +16 229
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEEINRX N14 EX +22 229
#note Looks good.
>Greg_Harper: EEQU N5 QUE.E +32 261
#note Nice play!
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEIIKNR O4 KI +22 251
#note Best.
>Greg_Harper: AAL 1M AAL +16 277
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEEILNR 3C REDLINE. +72 323
#note Best.
>Greg_Harper: ?AEGRTT D2 R.TArGET +68 345
#note D1 GREATEST for 72 scores a few more points.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEFIOTT 13B FIDO +26 349
#note Nothing wins. 13A DITTO for 21 and 13A TOTE for 14 are the other ties. All of the best plays block B13 JEW for 35. I misadded the endgame when I worked it out so I thought FIDO lost by about 10 when it really tied. In NWL, I can play H1 FOND for 30 followed by B13 TOTE for 17 and win because JEW is not valid in NWL.
>Greg_Harper: EIJW 5C J.W +26 371
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ETT 14A TET +18 367
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (EI) +4 371
#note One of my rare ties. I thought I played very well, missing CIMEX on the ENG turn was my only mistake.
Player 2
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