Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Michael_McKenna Michael McKenna
#player2 Ong_Suanne Ong Suanne
>Michael_McKenna: ACDEOOU 8H OU +4 4
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11)
#note best 8D COUDE 22 49.58% AO
#note 1.90 xch OOU 0 48.91% CAED
#note 3.03 8H DOUCE 18 48.38% AO
#note 4.10 8D COOED 22 47.89% AU
#note 4.63 xch AOOU 0 47.79% CED
#note 6.98 xch AOU 0 46.81% CEOD
#note 7.30 xch ACOOU 0 46.70% ED
#note 6.82 8G COUDE 16 46.67% AO
#note 8.02 xch COOU 0 46.47% AED
#note 7.68 8D DOUCE 20 46.36% AO
#note 14.7*8H OU 4 43.39% CAEOD
>Ong_Suanne: ?AFIJOT I7 F.JI +26 26
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 5)
#note best J6 JATO 30 66.49% IF?
#note 1.17 J6 JOTA 30 65.97% IF?
#note 1.43 7H JO 22 65.76% AIFT?
#note 2.17 J6 JOT 29 65.45% AIF?
#note 2.97*I7 F(U)JI 26 65.31% AOT?
#note 5.20 7G JO 19 64.24% AIFT?
#note 5.56 J8 TAJ 29 64.00% IOF?
#note 6.19 9G JOT 24 63.74% AIF?
#note 6.90 9G JO 19 63.52% AIFT?
#note 8.64 7H JOT 23 62.81% AIF?
>Michael_McKenna: ACDEEMO J6 CAD +21 25
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3)
#note best J2 CAMEOED 79 64.72%
#note 6.95 G6 CAMEOED 69 61.75%
#note 51.1*J6 CAD 21 42.37% MEOE
>Ong_Suanne: ?AEOSTT 5E ATTOnES +81 107
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
#note best 5E ApTOTES 81 78.43%
#note 2.59*5E ATTOnES 81 77.43%
#note 3.36 5E TOASTEd 81 77.12%
#note 4.96 5E TOASTEr 81 76.53%
#note 5.48 5E rOTATES 81 76.38%
#note 6.43 11F TOASTEd 77 75.52%
#note 8.39 11C OuTEATS 77 75.29%
#note 9.54 5E nOTATES 81 75.06%
#note 8.15 11C ATTOnES 77 74.97%
#note 9.04 11H OSTiATE 77 74.85%
>Michael_McKenna: DEEEMOR 4C REDEEM +38 63
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4)
#note best 4H MODER 41 23.07% EE
#note 6.42 4J DEE 19 20.97% REMO
#note 6.17 4H MODE 29 20.84% REE
#note 7.46*4C REDEEM 38 20.15% O
#note 9.80 6E MEE 17 20.01% RDEO
#note 9.51 4E DEEM 24 19.84% REO
#note 9.71 6E MEED 22 19.63% REO
#note 10.6 4G EME 18 19.60% RDEO
#note 10.8 6E MOE 17 19.52% RDEE
#note 10.1 4J DEMO 25 19.50% REE
>Ong_Suanne: EIIMRTV C2 MI.V +18 125
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
#note best 6C VIM 14 75.49% RTEI
#note 3.94*C2 MI(R)V 18 73.57% RTEI
#note 5.44 3G VET 26 73.11% IMRI
#note 4.14 G3 V(ET) 10 73.05% IMRTEI
#note 7.95 3G VERT 27 72.80% IMI
#note 6.92 6B VIRE 19 72.74% MTI
#note 7.66 H10 MITIER 31 72.69% V
#note 6.25 D2 VI(E) 6 72.64% MRTEI
#note 8.42 6B VITE 19 72.26% MRI
#note 8.63 E4 (DA)VIT 9 72.05% MREI
>Michael_McKenna: DEIOQRY D1 QI +25 88
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
#note best H10 QI 22 24.49% YEDRO
#note 1.89*D1 QI 25 23.31% YEDRO
#note 6.15 4J DOY 25 21.92% IERQ
#note 8.10 3G YERD 28 21.19% IOQ
#note 8.32 7I (FA)QIR 18 20.88% YEDO
#note 8.92 3F RYE 28 20.79% IDOQ
#note 11.3 J10 DOY 18 20.63% IERQ
#note 10.6 4J DORY 27 19.91% IEQ
#note 10.7 H1 DRO(MO)I 27 19.69% YEQ
#note 12.8 6J (C)OREY 20 19.60% IDQ
>Ong_Suanne: AEIIRRT H10 AIRIER +23 148
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4)
#note 0.709 10F RET(I)ARII 62 87.78%
#note best 10B RETIARI(I) 62 87.78%
#note 3.60 10C RETIAR(I)I 62 86.75%
#note 44.0*H10 AIRIER 23 69.91% T
>Michael_McKenna: ADEGORY B1 YAG +27 115
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
#note best F2 GO(ET)Y 21 27.81% EDRA
#note 1.15*B1 YAG 27 27.34% EDRO
#note 0.704 4J DOGEY 31 27.15% RA
#note 2.00 4J DOGY 29 26.31% ERA
#note 5.77 J10 DOGEY 30 24.11% RA
#note 9.06 4J DOY 25 23.84% GERA
#note 8.56 G11 DOGY 26 23.71% ERA
#note 9.70 J10 DOGY 21 23.28% ERA
#note 9.90 3G YEAD 28 23.19% GRO
#note 10.0 4J DOGEAR 29 22.85% Y
>Ong_Suanne: FIOOTXY G12 OXY +45 193
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
#note best *G12 OXY 45 77.41% IFOT
#note 2.86 G12 OXO 39 76.14% IFTY
#note 4.76 14D FOXI(E) 31 75.99% OTY
#note 8.72 4K OXY 28 73.23% IFOT
#note 10.6 G12 OX 36 71.79% IFOTY
#note 14.0 12H (R)OOTY 16 70.91% IFX
#note 16.8 13G F(I)XIT 27 69.74% OOY
#note 17.3 13G F(I)XITY 31 69.56% OO
#note 18.1 13E FIX(I)TY 28 69.37% OO
#note 17.9 12H (R)OOFY 22 69.08% ITX
>Michael_McKenna: DEEGORU 1D .UEER +42 157
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
#note best *1D (Q)UEER 42 18.95% GDO
#note 9.58 3E OGRE 23 15.48% UED
#note 16.2 1A O(Y) 15 14.66% GUEEDR
#note 14.1 A1 OR 27 14.42% GUEED
#note 16.3 F14 OU 12 14.28% GEEDR
#note 14.5 3G GEO 18 14.06% UEDR
#note 13.5 J10 DOGE 18 13.78% UER
#note 17.0 6J (C)OGUE 12 13.58% EDR
#note 13.9 4J DOGE 23 13.48% UER
#note 20.0 H1 DUO(MO) 24 12.59% GEER
>Ong_Suanne: CFILLOT 10F FL..L +18 211
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4)
#note best 11E FOC(I) 34 73.62% ILLT
#note 2.20 11E LOC(I) 28 72.26% FILT
#note 5.38 J10 LOTIC 20 71.26% FL
#note 6.72*10F FL(AI)L 18 69.62% CIOT
#note 7.10 F8 FOLIC 17 69.54% LT
#note 7.87 G7 CLOT 18 69.27% FIL
#note 8.73 J10 LOFT 14 69.04% CIL
#note 8.10 G7 FLIT 20 69.02% CLO
#note 9.26 3E OFT 21 68.82% CILL
#note 9.10 F9 FLIC 16 68.22% LOT
>Michael_McKenna: DDGNOPW F14 WO +30 187
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 7)
#note best 4J DOWP 31 20.83% GDN
#note 0.820 4J DOWD 29 20.36% PGN
#note 6.23 4J DOWN 27 18.11% PGD
#note 8.76 4J DOW 25 17.45% PGDN
#note 10.4 4J DOP 23 16.27% GDWN
#note 13.5 4J DOG 21 15.17% PDWN
#note 12.4*F14 WO 30 15.05% DPGDN
#note 15.7 F14 PO 24 14.78% DGDWN
#note 13.0 4J DONG 23 14.64% PDW
#note 13.9 13E PO(XI)NG 17 14.30% DDW
>Ong_Suanne: AACINOT 15H .AINCOAT +89 300
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
#note best *15H (R)AINCOAT 89 95.05%
>Michael_McKenna: DDEGINP 7I ..D +7 194
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3)
#note best 3G PED 24 3.048% IGDN
#note 0.937 4J DINGED 33 2.648% P
#note 12.6*7I (FA)D 7 2.530% IPGDNE
#note 7.43 J14 P(I) 10 2.388% IDGDNE
#note 7.24 4J DIP 23 2.364% GDNE
#note 7.53 12F D(OR)P 7 2.304% IGDNE
#note 4.91 4J DING 23 2.266% PDE
#note 6.13 4J DID 21 2.119% PGNE
#note 7.33 4J DEIGN 25 2.047% PD
#note 10.4 4C (REDEEM)ED 22 2.024% IPGDN
>Ong_Suanne: HNNNRST -HNNNT +0 300
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 5)
#note 6.63 6E SH 31 96.13% NNNRT
#note best xch NNNR 0 96.02% HST
#note 5.60 1A N(Y) 15 95.78% HNNRST
#note 1.22 xch NNN 0 95.75% HRST
#note 1.39*xch HNNNT 0 95.57% RS
#note 5.04 xch NNNRT 0 95.53% HS
#note 5.86 xch NNT 0 95.24% HNRS
#note 4.10 xch HNNNR 0 95.20% ST
#note 4.28 xch HNNN 0 95.13% RST
#note 8.72 2A R(AMI)N 9 95.05% HNNST
>Michael_McKenna: DEGINNP 3G PENDING +93 297
#note Michael miscalculated his cummulative score as 297 instead of 287 (194 + 93).
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
#note best *3G PENDING 93 28.25%
#note 12.8 L6 PENDING 82 19.23%
>Ong_Suanne: AERSSTT L7 STATERS +74 374
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3)
#note best L6 ASTERTS 74 93.49%
#note 1.84 L7 STARETS 74 93.44%
#note 1.10*L7 STATERS 74 93.20%
#note 25.0 F3 S(ET)T 18 83.67% ARTES
#note 33.2 1D (QUEER)S 15 79.10% TARTES
#note 32.2 I7 (FUJI)S 17 78.76% TARTES
#note 39.1 C2 (MIRV)S 10 75.31% TARTES
#note 39.8 K10 ST 13 75.26% ARTES
#note 37.6 3F S(PENDING) 15 75.18% TARTES
#note 38.9 6C ST 12 74.92% ARTES
>Michael_McKenna: ?BIORVZ 11K B.Z +28 325
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 8)
#note best 12D VIZ(OR) 34 16.78% RBO?
#note 2.53 11K B(E)VOR 20 15.00% IZ?
#note 7.28 11K V(E)RB 18 13.08% IZO?
#note 7.33 L1 VI(N)O 22 12.94% ZRB?
#note 5.69 14J BO 22 12.79% IZRV?
#note 5.46 11K V(E)ZIR 34 12.46% BO?
#note 8.39 12F V(OR) 6 12.05% IZRBO?
#note 8.30*11K B(E)Z 28 11.93% IRVO?
#note 9.28 1A B(Y) 21 11.49% IZRVO?
#note 14.9 N13 OV(A) 12 11.35% IZRB?
>Ong_Suanne: EILNOSU 14M LEU +14 388
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 4)
#note 5.56 8L (T)OLU 12 94.51% SINE
#note 1.64 14J OU 10 94.03% LSINE
#note best 4L OU 11 93.85% LSINE
#note 4.51*14M LEU 14 93.80% OSIN
#note 3.97 4K OU 11 93.03% LSINE
#note 5.59 1A O(Y) 15 92.83% LUSINE
#note 9.36 12L (R)OUL 16 92.46% SINE
#note 8.18 8L (T)OUN 12 92.27% LSIE
#note 7.94 F9 U(F)O 6 92.19% LSINE
#note 3.03 4K NOULE 22 92.11% SI
>Michael_McKenna: ?EINORV L1 VI.O +22 347
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11)
#note 13.9 15A ENVIR(O) 30 35.76% O?
#note 8.23 12K I(R)ON 19 24.62% ERV?
#note 6.15 A1 OR 27 22.12% IENV?
#note 12.5 11C ROVE 19 21.97% IN?
#note 5.98 11C VINE 19 21.59% RO?
#note 13.6 12L (R)OIN 16 18.56% ERV?
#note best 12J VO(R) 10 18.18% IERN?
#note 0.952 9E VOE 15 17.42% IRN?
#note 22.8 9C VINO 16 17.42% ER?
#note 26.6 11C RIVE 19 17.42% ON?
#note 15.7*L1 VI(N)O 22 14.39% ERN?
>Ong_Suanne: AEINOST 12K O.A +18 406
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 1)
#note 6.19*12K O(R)A 18 95.08% TNIES
#note 0.487 12J TO(R)A 19 94.85% NIES
#note 13.4 1K A(V)ION 24 94.09% TES
#note 1.69 12L (R)OE 14 93.64% ATNIS
#note best 1L (V)INO 21 92.58% ATES
#note 17.9 2I IO 11 91.67% ATNES
#note 22.0 J14 O(I) 4 91.67% ATNIES
#note 19.3 12J TA(R)O 19 91.36% NIES
#note 7.70 K3 (I)O(S) 5 91.29% ATNIES
#note 9.43 1A A(Y) 15 91.29% TONIES
>Michael_McKenna: ?EGKNRW 12D REW..K +26 373
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 11)
#note 13.0 E4 (DA)WK 12 40.00% RENG?
#note 21.4 9K G(A)WK 16 35.61% REN?
#note 25.7 9K W(A)RK 12 32.95% ENG?
#note 19.4 1A K(Y) 27 32.42% RENGW?
#note 10.5 9K W(A)NG 9 32.20% KRE?
#note 24.4 9K W(A)NK 12 30.30% REG?
#note 29.0 9L (A)W 9 28.03% KRENG?
#note 8.66 E4 (DA)W 7 27.65% KRENG?
#note best 9K K(A)W 14 25.76% RENG?
#note 23.0 9K W(A)KEN 17 25.76% RG?
#note 33.4*12D REW(OR)K 26 11.36% NG?
>Ong_Suanne: EINNPST 11E PE +25 431
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 2)
#note best C9 TENPINS 86 100.0%
#note 58.7*11E PE 25 100.0% NNITS
#note 41.4 1A N(Y) 15 99.24% ENIPTS
>Michael_McKenna: ?BGHNOU 1L .UGH +33 406
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 10)
#note best 1A B(Y) 21 12.50% HUONG?
#note 15.1 J14 B(I) 10 0.000% HUONG?
#note 17.1 2K B(I) 8 0.000% HUONG?
#note 21.5 E4 (DA)B 6 0.000% HUONG?
#note 26.8 9L (A)B 7 0.000% HUONG?
#note 36.6 O8 dOUGHN(UT) 45 0.000% B
#note 40.3 1A N(Y) 15 0.000% BHUOG?
#note 40.8 2J OB(I) 16 0.000% HUNG?
#note 42.4 14J BO 22 0.000% HUNG?
#note 42.6*1L (V)UGH 33 0.000% BON?
>Ong_Suanne: HILNNST 6E SH +31 462
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 3)
#note best 6C SINH 43 100.0% LNT
#note 16.0 2A L(AMI)SH 34 100.0% NINT
#note 19.0*6E SH 31 100.0% LNINT
#note 22.0 6D ISH 32 100.0% LNNT
#note 24.0 14J HI 28 100.0% LNNTS
#note 29.0 8L (T)HIN 21 100.0% LNTS
#note 31.0 6C SIN 17 100.0% LHNT
#note 32.0 6A NISH 19 100.0% LNT
#note 33.0 8L (T)HIS 21 100.0% LNNT
#note 35.0 F4 (ET)HS 15 100.0% LNINT
>Michael_McKenna: ?ABNO 1A B. +21 427
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: urp)
#note best 14J BO 22 AN?
#note best C12 pAN 17 BO
#note 2.00 C10 NAp 15 BO
#note 2.00 2A l(AMI)NA 15 BO
#note 4.00 14J BA 22 NO?
#note 4.00 6A NOs 13 AB
#note 4.00 6A NAs 13 BO
#note 4.00 A1 Or 23 ABN
#note 4.00 A1 Ar 23 BNO
#note 23.8*1A B(Y) 21 ANO?
>Ong_Suanne: ILNNT 8L .INT +12 474
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: 7)
#note 2.00 4K N(O)INT 12 100.0% L
#note 4.00 4K T(O)IL 10 100.0% NN
#note 4.00 4K N(O)IL 10 100.0% NT
#note 4.00 M1 (U)N(G)ILT 11 100.0% N
#note 5.00 11K (BEZ)IL 16 100.0% NNT
#note 6.00 D6 INN 10 100.0% LT
#note 7.00*8L (T)INT 12 100.0% LN
#note 8.00 8L (T)ILT 12 100.0% NN
#note 10.0 O1 (H)ILT 8 100.0% NN
#note 11.0 O1 (H)INT 8 100.0% LN
>Michael_McKenna: ?ANO D6 AnON +10 437
#note Quackle Report
#note --Championship Player's choices (your play: urp
#note best 4K N(O)O 9 A?
#note 1.00 K2 A(I)N(S) 8 O?
#note 4.00 J1 NO(D) 6 A?
#note 4.00 J1 AN(D) 6 O?
#note 5.00 D11 O(R)gAN 10
#note 5.00 D11 A(R)sON 10
#note 5.00 D11 A(R)gON 10
#note 5.00 D8 NAgO(R) 10
#note 5.00 D6 AzON 10
#note 5.00*D6 AnON 10
>Michael_McKenna: (LN) +2 439
>Ong_Suanne: (LN) -2 472
Player 2
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Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
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