Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Stefan_Fatsis Stefan Fatsis
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAACEFW 8F AWA +12 12
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 11. Looks fine.
>Stefan_Fatsis: BCEKX F7 B.CK +22 22
#note Stefan flashed EX here.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ACDEFRU 6E CAF +25 37
#note Really hard position. I wanted to make sure I did not give Stefan an easy spot for his X which I knew he had. I am happy with my play, which gives nothing easy back and sets up 6's hooking CAFE which I have a good chance of hitting. Hopefully Stefan does not have an S for _XES 6's hooking CAFS.
>Stefan_Fatsis: OX 9F .OX +28 50
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEEEIRU H1 UREIDE +33 70
#note Best.
>Stefan_Fatsis: ADEMPR 3B PREMAD. +28 78
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEHIIN 2E HAI.lINE +78 148
#note Best.
>Stefan_Fatsis: ?IRRSTV M2 STRIVeR +79 157
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EEFLOTU L8 OUTFEEL +75 223
#note Best.
>Stefan_Fatsis: JLOY 14J JO.LY +62 219
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGGNOOP 1A PONGO +38 261
#note After the game, I thought PONGO over PENGO was a mistake, but Quackle thinks I made the right choice. 15H GOOP for 34 and PONGO are basically tied, and GOOP scores 4 points less and keeps an N with a lot of N's still unseen. Looks like PONGO was not a mistake after all.
>Stefan_Fatsis: AAEG 8J AG..AE +21 240
#note Scored as 24.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGHIINN K2 .IGHIN. +24 285
#note Best. I was really happy to find this play.
>Stefan_Fatsis: BDEORT 15F DEBTOR +38 278
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEEINNQ 6J Q. +31 316
#note 10J QAT for 32 is better than QI but Quackle really likes 10F KEEN for 24 possibly to go for big QUA/QI plays. I'm not sure I agree with that as a human player will be very likely to block J6, but I should have had played QAT over QI.
>Stefan_Fatsis: LLSU J5 S.U.LL +24 302
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAEEINN I9 AE +20 336
#note 10F KNEEL for 25 is a little better. I had the right idea though.
>Stefan_Fatsis: EIOWZ 14B ZOWIE +43 345
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIMNNY 15A NAME +42 378
#note Hard turn. My thinking behind NAME is if Stefan bingos, I have a nice spot to score and hopefully outrun him. Unless his bingos fit in the 4 tile overlap on row 13, they are unlikely to score that much. Besides, his racks that bingo there also bingo through both of the E's. Quackle likes 15A MAY for 40 which I strongly considered, but didn't like because of multiple N's with one N still unseen.
>Stefan_Fatsis: DIORSTU O2 OUTRID.S +60 405
#note Quackle confirms what I thought after the game. I thought 12F OUTSIDER/OUTRIDES for 60 were significantly better because they interfered with my row 13 scoring spot. They don't completely block it, but they limit me to 3 letter plays instead of 4 or more letter ones, and every point is valuable on this board. The 12F bingos are 58-63% to win versus 41-42% to win for the O2 bingos. Sadly, I did not get the right draw after NAME.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EINSTVY 13C YET +36 414
#note Best. As I thought, nothing wins. Had Stefan drawn NV or NN, I probably would have won. There may be other draws for Stefan which win for me as well.
>Stefan_Fatsis: NT J1 N.T +5 410
#note 2nd best to 3J TINT for 8.
>Stefan_Fatsis: (INSV) +14 424
#note Final score recorded as 427-414 because Stefan overscored AGORAE by 3 points. I definitely played like the A grade Jonathan as opposed to the B- one in a few of my other ones, but did not come away with the win.