Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Beth_Mix Beth Mix
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Beth_Mix: ABDELNU 8B UNBALED +76 76
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 12. Looks best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DKLNNRW G6 KN.W +16 16
#note B7 LUNK for 18. KNEW is in the top 5.
>Beth_Mix: AAG H4 AGA +11 87
>Jonathan_Lindh: ADDFLNR E8 .DLAND +16 32
#note Wanted to open the board even more given Beth was almost certain to bingo anyways after a fishy play like AGA. I am fine with ADLAND given my inference Beth was sitting on bingo-prone tiles.
>Beth_Mix: ?AAEMTU 3B AMATEUr +72 159
#note My inference was right! C6 MANTEAUs/MANTEAUx for 72 or 12D PNEUMATA for 74 are other good options for Beth.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EFLORTZ 2B FEZ +55 87
#note 4A ZLOTE for 60. Saw it after I hit my clock. FEZ is 2nd.
>Beth_Mix: AIOT I4 IOTA +17 176
>Jonathan_Lindh: EGLOORT 4B TOG +45 132
#note Looks best.
>Beth_Mix: IQ F5 QI +23 199
>Jonathan_Lindh: EILNOOR J7 LOONIER +61 193
#note Best.
>Beth_Mix: GINVW 11I W.VING +26 225
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEEPRST K3 SPECTRE +79 272
#note M6 PERCENTS for 82.
>Beth_Mix: JRY B7 J.RY +22 247
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEIISTY 12C YI. +12 284
#note 4K PIETY for 28, although YIN is pretty close. 3 point mistake at worst. You can make the argument YIN is actually better.
>Beth_Mix: HPR 11D H.RP +14 261
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEEIST A9 EASIEsT +78 362
#note Looks good.
>Beth_Mix: HM 2F HM +32 293
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEFIOX 1G AX +32 394
#note 13H FIREBOX for 40.
>Beth_Mix: EILNORS N4 RESOLIN. +63 356
#note 13H LORINERS for 68.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEFIOU O8 OF +26 420
>Beth_Mix: O 7B .O +13 369
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEIIUV O1 VIBE +33 453
>Beth_Mix: DEORSTU 14C OUSTRED +69 438
>Beth_Mix: DEORSTU -- -69 369
#note 13J RETROD for 14. Nothing wins.
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEIU M2 CUE +13 466
#note Was only 98% of 13H CURIE for 8 and missed 13I UREIC for 16.
>Beth_Mix: DEORSTU 13C OD.EST +35 404
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: I D8 .I +7 473
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (RU) +4 477
#note Score recorded as 477-392 because Beth was -10 on time and undercounted by 2 points.
Player 2
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Current time: 2025-01-30 16:05:24 Server IP: