Player 1 |
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#player1 Keith_Hagel Keith Hagel
#player2 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
>Keith_Hagel: IIIIIII -I +0 0
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 14. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: BEEIKSW 8G WEB +16 16
#note How would you handle this play after an exchange 1? KIBE, WEEK, or this play? WEEK would have worked out the best but there is no way of knowing that. I posed this position to some other experts and they thought WEB was a solid choice under the circumstances.
>Keith_Hagel: ACEILNO I3 COINA.LE +67 67
#note Best. Very annoying WEB gave Keith the letter he needed to bingo.
>Jonathan_Lindh: EFIKLMS J10 FILK +32 48
#note 2nd best to 5E MISLIKE for 52.
>Keith_Hagel: ?AGILOV - +0 67
#note Exchange 3. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AEHMOSY 4H H.OEY +30 78
#note Best.
>Keith_Hagel: EIZ 6F ZEI. +33 100
>Jonathan_Lindh: AHIIMSU 12H HI.UM +28 106
#note Best again.
>Keith_Hagel: AIJ H12 .AJI +42 142
#note After the game, Keith said everything I did kept backfiring which is absolutely true.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAIISTT 13L AIT +10 116
#note Best again. AIT can be pretty hard to block without giving back a really good line.
>Keith_Hagel: AAPST O11 PASTA +28 170
>Jonathan_Lindh: ABEIRST L3 S.BARITE +64 180
#note Only bingo. Best again.
>Keith_Hagel: ENVX 8K V.XEN +45 215
>Jonathan_Lindh: CLNORTU I12 .RON +24 204
#note Very close. ICON in the same spot. I have ACK blindness. IRON is still very good.
>Keith_Hagel: ?DEOORT N2 REbOOT.D +70 285
#note This was one of the most tilt inducing plays of the whole tournament. After a few seconds, I realized Keith had bingos on row 9 and row 15, so he was bingoing no matter what. This was still a very annoying game.
>Jonathan_Lindh: CEFLRTU 9C FLUTE +19 223
#note You can make the case for just fishing the F with J4 OF for 10 and hope for 9's through the IN with a G draw or 7's in row 9, but Keith would probably catch on to that and block. Maybe that's what I have to do.
>Keith_Hagel: AEUV 8A UVEA +32 317
>Jonathan_Lindh: CDDNORS 6K D.D. +6 229
#note 14F DOJOS for 33.
>Keith_Hagel: GRW 15F WR..G +9 326
>Jonathan_Lindh: CNNOORS D3 CORON.. +18 247
#note Throwing in the towel.
>Keith_Hagel: EGIPR 14B GRIPE +27 353
>Jonathan_Lindh: AILNNSY 3A NAN.Y +20 267
#note Quackle prefers 3C SCALY for 28. Unsure what's best here.
>Keith_Hagel: AEMQU A1 MA.QUE +81 434
>Jonathan_Lindh: DEGILOS 1A .ISLODGE +89 356
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (?ST) +4 360
#note Final score recorded as 432-360.