Player 1 |
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#player1 Jonathan_Lindh Jonathan Lindh
#player2 Joe_Gaspard Joe Gaspard
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAAAEOQ -AAAAOQ +0 0
#note 2025 Crescent City Cup. Round 18. Looks fine.
>Joe_Gaspard: EGRW 8F GREW +16 16
>Jonathan_Lindh: AENNORT 7H NORTENA +67 67
#note Either of the NORTENAs are the highest scoring bingos, but F6 NEGATRON for 63 should be my play. This play is rather dangerous.
>Joe_Gaspard: BEY 6L BEY +35 51
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEJRRU F6 JU. +27 94
#note Looks fine.
>Joe_Gaspard: EZ G8 .EZ +13 64
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEIORR K5 RO.I +17 111
#note Unsure.
>Joe_Gaspard: CIN 10G .INC +21 85
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDEILRT 8N RE +12 123
#note Time to play defense.
>Joe_Gaspard: EEKST K10 SKEET +34 119
>Jonathan_Lindh: BDIILOT J12 BOIL +18 141
#note H1 TOLIDINE for 30 is by far the best play. Hard to spot. With SSS?? out though, BOIL seems like a nice 2nd place choice.
>Joe_Gaspard: ?EMMNOT - +0 119
#note Trade 3. Not actual rack.
>Jonathan_Lindh: AADISTU L11 AD +24 165
#note 2nd best to O1 AUDITS for 34.
>Joe_Gaspard: EHLS 15G HEL.S +34 153
>Jonathan_Lindh: AAIQSTU 14F QUA +39 204
#note Best. I flipped back and forth between QUA and AQUA.
>Joe_Gaspard: AW I12 AW +26 179
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEISTT I6 T.. +6 210
#note Horrible misses. O8 ESTIvATE and ESTImATE for 71 are the standard bingos which I managed to miss, but M2 AUSTENITE for 71 is also avilable, which I did know. I need to find at least one of these.
>Joe_Gaspard: ?ADGINR M2 gARD..ING +75 254
#note Very nice! All of Joe's bingos (HARDENING, GARDENING, and DARKENING) play through the EN.
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?AEIIST 6E A.I +10 220
#note 2H VESTIGIA for 66, E14 AI and my play are all very close to one another. Any one is defensible.
>Joe_Gaspard: EPY 4L P.EY +26 280
>Jonathan_Lindh: ?EIOSTT D6 hOTTIES +74 294
#note Best.
>Joe_Gaspard: ACLO E11 LOCA +31 311
>Jonathan_Lindh: AFHIIOS O1 AHO. +30 324
#note Very close. OFAY in the same spot. OFAY blindness from playing a lot of NASPA is very real.
>Joe_Gaspard: ERV 8A VER. +21 332
>Jonathan_Lindh: FIILMPS 15A MILFS +49 373
#note This should have cost me the game since LOCAS* is phony but Joe did not hold. C7 PRIM for 26 is probably the best valid play.
>Joe_Gaspard: EFOV E2 FOVE. +22 354
>Jonathan_Lindh: DIIOPTU 14A UP +20 393
#note Have to block the X bomb.
>Joe_Gaspard: ADGMNNX F1 MAX +30 384
#note 3A MAGNOX for 32.
>Jonathan_Lindh: DIIOTU 1F .IDI +21 414
#note Best.
>Joe_Gaspard: DGNN 3D G.. +11 395
#note Best along with DOX in the same spot.
>Jonathan_Lindh: OTU N10 OUT +10 424
#note Best.
>Jonathan_Lindh: (DNN) +8 432