Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Barry_Keith Barry Keith
#player2 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
>Barry_Keith: ERSTUUU -UUU +0 0
#note actual rack unknown
>Dustin_Dean: EEILMRX 8H REMEX +44 44
#note 8H REMIX 44
>Barry_Keith: EENNOST H4 ENTE.ONS +59 59
>Dustin_Dean: IIILNRW 7D WILI.R +14 58
#note WILI(E)R is the right word, but there are 3 places to play it and this is the worst. K4 WILI(E)R 18 is best.
>Barry_Keith: EHIR 8A HIRE +30 89
>Dustin_Dean: EIINPTV 11H .PIV +18 76
#note best
>Barry_Keith: Q J10 Q. +31 120
>Dustin_Dean: BBEGINT 9G B.B +21 97
#note Best. Another option is D7 (WE)BBING 30.
>Barry_Keith: ?HIIKSS 5F KI.SHIpS +78 198
#note Best. Nice find by Barry. Other options are 4B wHISKI(E)S, 4G H(E)lISKIS, K2 wHISKI(E)S, and C8 (R)IKISHaS which scores 2 more than the others but sims last.
>Dustin_Dean: EGINRTY C8 .ETRYING +76 173
#note only bingo
>Barry_Keith: AELPRU 15C .RAUPEL +33 231
>Dustin_Dean: ADGLOTW 12A DA.GLOW +34 207
#note best
>Barry_Keith: CNNOOT 4B CONNOT. +26 257
>Dustin_Dean: CEEOOTY M3 CO.EY +28 235
#note best. I considered 14 CO(N)EY 27, which is second, and 13G OOCYTE.
>Barry_Keith: ADEFG A10 FA.GED +36 293
>Dustin_Dean: DELOSTZ B4 .OZ +34 269
#note best
>Barry_Keith: ?AAEMTT 6J AT +13 306
>Dustin_Dean: ADELOST 13F SOLATED +68 337
#note best
>Barry_Keith: IJ 10F JI. +30 336
>Dustin_Dean: AAEFINR N6 FARINA +37 374
#note N6 FAIR 33 is best, then FARINA.
>Barry_Keith: ?AEMTUU O10 AMUlET +30 366
#note O10 UnMUTE 33
>Dustin_Dean: ADEOUV E6 V.DE +17 391
#note V(I)DE is second to14K DEAV(E) 24, leaving OU.
>Barry_Keith: U L8 .U +9 375
>Barry_Keith: (AOU) +6 381