Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Eric_Goldstein Eric Goldstein
#player2 Patrick_Beatrez Patrick Beatrez
>Eric_Goldstein: IIIIII -IIIIII +0 0
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EEIIIO -EIIIO +0 0
#note Looks good.
>Eric_Goldstein: AJY 8G JAY +26 26
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?EFLMRT 7I MELT +19 19
>Eric_Goldstein: NWY M6 WYN +27 53
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?AFPRRT L4 FRA. +19 38
#note Close between 6J FA for 28 and FRA(T) for 19, I decided to maximize bingo % for next turn.
>Eric_Goldstein: IQTU J3 QUIT. +16 69
>Patrick_Beatrez: ?ADOPRT N8 ADOPTeR +74 112
#note Terrible miss, I have ADAPTOR plus a blank and completely missed ADAPTORS for 9 more points and much safer positioning.
>Eric_Goldstein: ?AAEIST O2 ArISTAE +80 149
#note Several bingos end in an S hooking ADOPTERS for a few more points, but the O8 spot is much more dangerous.
>Patrick_Beatrez: AEINOOR 9E AEON +17 129
#note NAOI in the same spot is much better.
>Eric_Goldstein: ABILP 8A PIBAL +32 181
>Patrick_Beatrez: IIORTUU - +0 129
#note I'm in a really bad spot here already and I was unsure of PIBAL, so I decided to challenge.
>Eric_Goldstein: FHO M13 FOH +28 209
#note Plays at N2 for 34, but this blocks the S hook. However, if I had something for the spot then I probably wouldn't have challenged PIBAL, so maybe he is okay with the spot being open if he needs the spread at this point.
>Patrick_Beatrez: IIORTUU -IIORUU +0 129
>Eric_Goldstein: EKZ O13 ZEK +65 274
>Patrick_Beatrez: DGGIIMT 11K GIM. +18 147
>Eric_Goldstein: DEX 10F XED +66 340
>Patrick_Beatrez: DEGIOTU 12I GUID +21 168
>Eric_Goldstein: CEINRSS A8 .RINCESS +95 435
>Patrick_Beatrez: EINOSTU C8 .OUNTIES +72 240
>Eric_Goldstein: ABEENT 15G BENEAT. +39 474
>Patrick_Beatrez: EGINRRV 13G GRIN +14 254
>Eric_Goldstein: AILLUV D2 ALLUVI. +20 494
>Patrick_Beatrez: EEHORRV 6B HO.ER +21 275
#note I need to block the spot on the 14th row, I saw the spot but missed his play of WOOED making UNDE. 14F HOER is best.
>Eric_Goldstein: CDEOOOW 14F WOO +23 517
#note WOOED is best.
>Patrick_Beatrez: ERV 2D .VER +9 284
#note VERA for 14.
>Patrick_Beatrez: (CDEO) +14 298
Player 2
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