Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Tracey_Cobbs Tracey Cobbs
>Dustin_Dean: DEIIKNS H7 KID +16 16
#note 8D DINKIES 78. 8G KI 12, keeping EIDNS.
>Tracey_Cobbs: AILNNPS I6 PAN +15 15
>Dustin_Dean: DEEINOS G7 ODE +22 38
#note best
>Tracey_Cobbs: CILNOSS 5E CLONS +20 35
>Dustin_Dean: EGINSTW J7 STEWING +82 120
#note best
>Tracey_Cobbs: ?AAILSV 10B SALIVAs +82 117
#note 11E VIdAL(I)AS 90
>Dustin_Dean: EEIMSWY 12H WI.EY +30 150
#note best
>Tracey_Cobbs: BEENQTT C9 Q.T +22 139
>Dustin_Dean: ?EILMRS L5 RIMoSEL. +62 212
#note D8 MI(L)ER 33 leads the pack, followed by 13B MISRuLE 73.
>Tracey_Cobbs: BCEENTU - +0 139
>Dustin_Dean: BELORTY 5K O.BY +18 230
#note M6 TYRO 29
>Tracey_Cobbs: BCEENTU E9 B.CE +16 155
>Dustin_Dean: EILRRRT 11I T.R. +14 244
#note H12 (W)RIT 21
>Tracey_Cobbs: ENNOOTU M7 ON +9 164
>Dustin_Dean: DEILPRR N5 .IPE +20 264
#note 13C RIPED / (BICE)P 31. (Y)IPE, scoring only 20 and keeping DLRR, doesn't make the Top 50, but this puts me up by 100 and closes the board to bingoes.
>Tracey_Cobbs: EFJNOTU D12 FUN +22 186
>Dustin_Dean: DEILORR 15A ROID +31 295
#note 15D DIRER 34
>Tracey_Cobbs: AAEHJOT 14B JA.E +42 228
>Dustin_Dean: EEILORR 13F ROE +9 304
#note I didn't want to give him a floater with H12 (W)ORE 21, which sims best, or other plays there. The anemic ROE does avoid floaters and limits what he can do at H12, notably taking out WHIZ 57.
>Tracey_Cobbs: ADHIOOT 10J .O. +9 237
>Dustin_Dean: AEHILRZ E5 .EL +5 309
#note F2 ZIL(L) 33. Sticking to my defensive strategy, however ineptly. K5 (O)H 10 is better in this regard.
>Tracey_Cobbs: AADHIOT F2 AHO.D +22 259
>Dustin_Dean: AEHIRVZ E2 ZA +27 336
#note H1 HAVE(N) 36
>Tracey_Cobbs: AEITTUU M3 TU. +10 269
>Dustin_Dean: EHIRRUV 3J VER. +7 343
#note Champ suggests 6B HIV(ED) 20 or 3A HURR(AH) 24. I definitely should have tacked on the U for VER(T)U.
>Tracey_Cobbs: AEFGITU H12 ..FT +30 299
>Dustin_Dean: AEGHIRU 15H .EUGH +13 356
#note 15A (T)EGUMINA 92 and 15F MU(T)ATING 86 are still possible for him. Blocking with I14 AI 9 or 15F HU(T) 6 keeps 1 in the bag.

>Tracey_Cobbs: AEGIMUX 6B MIX.. +21 320
#note H1 AUXI(N) 39
>Dustin_Dean: AAINRT 9A NI.A. +20 376
#note Going out with C1 ANTIA(I)R 16 is best. Next is 14L ART 11, blocking his out play 14L AGUE, then out with 7B ANI(L) 21. Better than NIQAB, 2B TAR(ZA)N scores 30, after which he goes out with 1G AGUE for 17.
>Tracey_Cobbs: AEGU 14L AGUE +15 335
>Tracey_Cobbs: (ART) +6 341
#note -10 time penalty for Dustin. Players agreed to 366-341.
Player 2
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