Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dustin_Dean Dustin Dean
#player2 Jean_Caputo Jean Caputo
>Dustin_Dean: DIIMNQU H7 QI +22 22
#note 8H QUID 28
>Jean_Caputo: EINZ I6 ZINE +29 29
>Dustin_Dean: AADIMNU 5H MAUND +30 52
#note 5H MAUD 28
>Jean_Caputo: ADERT 4D TRADE +19 48
>Dustin_Dean: AAAIIPT G8 APT +11 63
#note J3 PA(U)A 21
>Jean_Caputo: CEORS 10I SCORE +28 76
>Dustin_Dean: ?AAEEII L8 AE.IE +12 75
#note L3 AI(D)E 10
>Jean_Caputo: CHR 8L .RCH +27 103
>Dustin_Dean: ?AGILNR O1 NARGILe. +89 164
#note best
>Jean_Caputo: ANOSV M1 NOVAS +25 128
>Dustin_Dean: BDIJTUY 2J JUD. +28 192
#note 13J JUDY 37
>Jean_Caputo: EEMNS N10 SEMEN +28 156
>Dustin_Dean: BEHIRTY O13 HEY +34 226
#note K9 Y(O)B 29 or B(O)THY 39
>Jean_Caputo: PT K9 P.T +18 174
>Dustin_Dean: BFIINRT F6 FIB +22 248
#note E1 FIB(R)IN 22
>Jean_Caputo: KOO E4 .OOK +27 201
>Dustin_Dean: AINRTV F2 VI. +14 262
>Jean_Caputo: AY M13 YA +31 232
>Dustin_Dean: ILNRRTU L14 LI +7 269
#note F10 UNTIL 13
>Jean_Caputo: B 3E B. +15 247
>Dustin_Dean: FNRRTUW 10D TUF. +15 284
#note 6B RUN(OF)F 14
>Jean_Caputo: EILT 11C LITE +19 266
>Dustin_Dean: NORRSWW 12B WONS +25 309
#note Champ agrees on 12B WONS 25, keeping RRW. 12B WON 20, keeping RRSW ??? 12E SWORN 21, keeping RW ???
>Jean_Caputo: EGL 13A LEG +21 287
>Dustin_Dean: ORRW A13 .OW +18 327
#note Unfortunately, I forgot to write down my rack, which included 3 tiles from AGEIORR. The X is still unseen, and 13A L_X plays score 30, but the blank is still unseen, too.
>Jean_Caputo: ?ADEOTU 14C OUTDAtE +66 353
>Dustin_Dean: AEGIORR 15F AGER +26 353
#note 3C RI(BI)ER 29
>Jean_Caputo: X 11N .X +9 362
>Jean_Caputo: (IOR) +6 368
#note Great game by Jean. This was a big upset, as she was rated 551 at the time, while I was 1705. Players agreed to 358-353.
Player 2
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